Re: IML: '70 LeBaron keep or sell?
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Re: IML: '70 LeBaron keep or sell?

>From: <kmoore12@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: IML: 70 LeBaron body work
>    My Imp is a daily driver and I mean daily. I have rebuilt ( in the
>past 2 years ) the ENTIRE ignition system; cooling system,except
>radiator; and I rebuilt the transmission, except the valve body. I am
>struggling with this because it is my only car. When it breaks I drive
>my wife's old neon. I cannot afford to maintain a garage queen or beat
>it up (after dumping all that money into it) as a daily driver.
>Considering the daily driver part, I picked up the latest issue of
>Hemmings which has a 70 charger with 404,000 miles on it!!!
>   So anyway, the bottom line is: Do I keep it and pay for the work or
>sell it? I'd rather keep it. I would ABSOLUTELY NOT sell it to demo
>derby dummies.
>   I apologize for boring or annoying anyone with this long e-mail.

    I'd definately keep it. I'm of the opinion that you can drive an old car
daily while gradually improving it's condition (not to show car levels, but
still nice) for less than it costs to buy a new car, and then either start
dumping repair money into _it_ after five years, or replacing it every time
it gets out of warranty. Besides, old cars are nicer.
   For reference, I drive my '69 daily, and when it breaks down (or I'm
doing improvement work) I drive my wife's old Neon...
       '69 Crown 4DHT

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