I have a few oldies. 63 Hot Rod annual . A 68 issue with a bunch of different stuff in it. i think it is the anniversary issue. Silver background with some funy looking attempt at a hemi by Ford on the cover. I have some pics from my first days at the drags. I also have some of my 1966 time tickets from Ceders Drag Strip (AKA Les Cedres) back in the days of flags and distance handy-caps. But, my most valuable piece think is a cardboard cutout of Big Daddy Don Garlits that was issued by Kendall for dealers back in the 1970s. It is a perfect as it could be even yet and someday i may part with it. Big Daddy and Keith Black were my heros growing up. Lou Ansen also. I had an Ansen posi shift in my 58 Dodge. You could wack it with a stick or whatever but it never missed a shift. It is fun to keep the old stuff. We must remember not to be too hasty throwing stuff out even today. I remember when every mothers son had a 383 Road Runner or a Dart 340. Nobody cared. Now try and find one. It isnt impossible yet but it aint easy either. Our 63 to 65s are rarer then we think too. I am hoping to enjoy mine for a long time to come. don [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ---- Please address private mail -- mail of interest to only one person -- directly to that person. I.e., send parts/car transactions and negotiations as well as other personal messages only to the intended recipient, not to the Clubhouse public address. This practice will protect your privacy, reduce the total volume of mail and fine tune the content signal to Mopar topic. Thanks! '62 to '65 Mopar Clubhouse Discussion Guidelines: http://www.1962to1965mopar.ornocar.org/mletiq.html.
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