Re: Fuel tank sending unit
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Re: Fuel tank sending unit is the ground strap I was thinking about.

If you remove the wire hooked to the sending unit and ground the wire, then turn on the ignition switch, if the gauge goes to full, the sending unit is bad. If it doesn't go to full, it may be a bad gauge or wiring. 

Gary H. 

-----Original Message-----
>The metal piece that locks the unit to the tank seems to have a good bite but I will run a ground from that piece to the frame and see if that makes a difference.
>I also coated the tank when I replaced the sending unit and was almost hoping that the coating had come off and was keeping the float from working properly but no luck, the coating is working perfectly.
>I am also going to trace the wire and make sure it has a good connection at the kick panel where it splices about 6 wires together.
>P.S. Now the tranny fill tube has started leaking.
>It's like Rose Rossana  Danna says: If it's not one thing it's another.
>--- On Mon, 8/9/10, Gary H. <> wrote:
>> Yes, does the grounding piece that runs from the unit to
>> the metal fuel line have a good "bite" on both sides?
>> Thanks,
>> Gary H.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> >That's normal Bill. The fuel gauge (along with the oil
>> and temp gauges if 
>> >you have them) run on 5 volts. The 5 volts comes out of
>> the voltage limiter 
>> >which works by pulsing the 12 volts on and off. Are you
>> sure that the new 
>> >sending unit has a good ground?
>> >
>> >Dan

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