[AD removed for archives] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Help us support US Troops ? Just Register Here. caadtaMbOyW3Na/Permission Data ------------------------------------------------------------------- Help someone who is ignorant of such topics. The term stroker motor indicates that the stroke in the bore and stroke equation is longer than usual correct? Is this a benefit in generating additional power without having to go to a bigger and heavier block? I have the block from the 361 engine out of my 63 Newport. I have heard that putting a 440 crank in this block will be the start of a "stroker motor" is this correct? Can a crankshaft from a 413 do the same thing? I have seen the thread about 413 motorhome blocks and cranks and know where I can get a forged crankshaft from a 413 out of a motorhome could this crankshaft be used in this block? Thanks for the help. Kirk -- Kirk Venier kirkv76@xxxxxxxxxxx [AD removed for archives] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Need a Laptop? Get a Sony Vaio Laptop Free! caadtaFbOyW3Nf/ProductTestPanel ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Please address private mail -- mail of interest to only one person -- directly to that person. I.e., send parts/car transactions and negotiations as well as other personal messages only to the intended recipient, not to the Clubhouse public address. This practice will protect your privacy, reduce the total volume of mail and fine tune the content signal to Mopar topic. Thanks! '62 to '65 Mopar Clubhouse Discussion Guidelines: http://www.1962to1965mopar.ornocar.org/mletiq.html. bOyW3N.
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