I am doing a quick refresh on a K convertiblewhich includes new brake cylinders.I found the brake lines had been screwed sotight where they meet the brake hose that evena quality line wrench rounded off the cornerson those 3/8" nuts. Rather than dealwith wounded nuts, I decided to replace thesteel lines and called various places.Three cheers to The Right Stuff Detailing.Unlike the other sources for brake lines,I did not have to buy the whole kit,they had patterns,and I had my new parts delivered in two days.The Right Stuff will be the first place I callnext time I need lines and tubes.The Right Stuff Detailing465 Commerce Dr.Sunbury, Ohio 43074.614-895-9096. 1-800-405-2000. www.rightstuffdetailing.comFax 614-895-9097. Fuel lines, hoses, brake cyls, brake lines..
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