Holy Krikey.We have a page on K interior colors.Who would have thought?See------ Original Message ------From: "Dave Dumais dave.dumais@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]" <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>To: "Chrysler 300 List" <chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Cc: "YoMaMo1950 ." <72plymouthscamp@xxxxxxxxx>Sent: 6/12/2019 12:28:25 PMSubject: [Chrysler300] Tedius task of detailed sandingThe lower half of dash was stripped of switches, map light and radio.
All chrome knobs and such were cleaned and polished,The steering wheel is off and painters tape now accents the interior.Not to mention, buckets removed and mounts sanded & coated.
All the scratches from 64 thru 2018 are meeting with 800 grit sandpaper. Then p r press up to 1500 grit.Quite a tedious effort but thinking end product will be much more uniform.I think Satin black instead of high gloss.Any thoughts or confirmation would be well appreciated.All door panels out & stored until completed.Only a 300 nut would try for perfection!Best to All.Dave the Sandman...LOL...
Posted by: Larry Jett <larrywjett@xxxxxxxxx>
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