On Thursday, January 4, 2018, 12:19 AM, Ray Melton rfmelton@xxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Oh, that is so sad to hear, and worse than most of us were expecting, probably even Gary himself.:-( But, thank you for keeping us informed, for better or worse; and of course we all are praying for BETTER! Gary has been such a pivotal figure for so many of us for so many years in our pursuits of restoring our Beautiful Brutes, even through all his previous problems, which now seem so relatively minor in comparison.
Ray Melton Las Cruces, NM 1957 300C convertible (my Dad's car)
On 1/3/2018 4:55 PM, John Lazenby french_fryguy@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] wrote:
I received a call that Gary's right leg was removed below the knee on December 23. He was doing better and then a turn for the worst.
At this time I can't offer more but keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
John Lazenby
Posted by: Val Jeffers <edward1108@xxxxxxxxx>
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