When I rebuilt the 413 in my 300J I had forged pistons custom made from
Venolia pistons. I have seen some of what’s available “off the
shelf”, and wasn’t impressed with the quality of material or size. I was
able to get the non-stock compression ratio ( 9.0:1 ) that I wanted. They
require more skirt clearance than stock and they will rattle a little,
especially when cold, and oil consumption will be a little more that most people
They, and several other piston manufacturers, can
make you pretty much anything you want. Just be prepared to drop around a
grand for a set.
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 9:20 AM
Subject: [Chrysler300] 413 Pistons
The block is
out and I'll be taking it to the machine shop soon . I wanted to know my options
for pistons before it goes in the tank , however, and searched the archives to
see what others were doing. I've also searched the net for possible
sources. Given the lapse of time since some of those e-mail exchanges in
this forum, what may have been available then may now be dried up.
There were also references to sources without the inclusion of a link. Current
searching for a link turned up nothing. The intent of this post is to
update the existence of any sources for 413 pistons as I found it so if someone
knows of another source I missed they can let us know.. Summit Racing,
Jegs , etc. seem to only have 413 pistons for truck (low compression)
applications. Pistons from
Sealed Power, Badger , etc. seem to have dried up although I'm sure ebay may
occasionally list one. Boring out to a
426 seems plausible but I haven't seen pistons designed for a stock 426 wedge
engine that will produce a reasonable (mid 10s) static compression ratio.
Am I missing a source of viable 426 pistons? Pistons for a B
383- fine diameter but low compression height. E-bay has for
example (falcon global, old parts source) some "Rebuilder's Choice" in original,
and various oversize to .060 over, same compression height as Egge, see below,
which should be 10:1 with original dimensions. Anyone have experience with
Rebuilder's Choice pistons? Foreign sources
were mentioned (including "Down Under" and Turkey) but no links were
found. Egge - I see
they sell up to .080" oversize for a 413. I assumed a .060 overbore and
calculated a static compression ratio of 10.2 - 1 ( using std deck height, 3.75"
stroke, .020" gasket thickness, head chamber of 73cc etc). Those who have used
Egge- does that sound about right from your rebuilds? What has been the
experience of using Egge pistons? Kanter Auto
lists pistons for early '60's Chryslers. When asked for a compression ratio or
compression height I was told they are "original type" and they just need
to know 2-bbl or 4-bbl. If you know of
any other sources this may be a good place to list them. __._,_.___
Posted by: "Lynn" <lynnd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To send a message to this group, send an email to: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or go to https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/all/manage/edit For list server instructions, go to http://www.chrysler300club.com/yahoolist/inst.htm For archives go to http://www.forwardlook.net/300-archive/search.htm#querylang __,_._,___
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