Re: [Chrysler300] Brake fluid
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Re: [Chrysler300] Brake fluid
- From: "John Holst jholst@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]" <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 10:20:23 -0500
The Forward Look forum has a nice article on homemade rust buster that
uses ATF and Acetone (Nail Polish Remover). This does not use brake fluid
There is also a forum for old tractors that mentions using ATF,
Diesel Fuel and Brake Fluid for the same problem. Old windmills are not
the problem here, but this may also work. A quart of each would make a
life time supply for the whole Club.
Probably the best idea would be to recycle with old oil
or other fluids and be done with it.
John Holst...
At 08:03 AM 8/29/2014, you wrote:
Bet most of you have old brake fluid sitting on the shelf from working on
brakes of our 300's. I do. Any creative suggestions of how to use it? Or
is adding it to oil to be recycled best?
Ken Krull
Posted by: Kenneth Krull <kenkrull@xxxxxxxx>
Posted by: John Holst <jholst@xxxxxxxxx>
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