Hi Mark, I purposely didn't mention your name in my original post as I didn't know if you wanted it out there. The statement that "batwing" looks like it was from a Cadillac" would be a reasonable statement for someone with no real background on these. Chrysler always referred to these units as Delta Wings. As to what the other companies including DeSoto named theirs I really don't know. The restoration was done by a local in Arizona and he is known for doing this type of work for auction sales. He was also involved with many of the cars at '57 Heaven and I think at one time actually worked and had an office in the building in Branson, Mo. From what I've heard and seen his work is very good, but not necessarily done as original. FYI: We have in our building at work numerous cars and one of them is a '56 DeSoto 4 door hardtop owned by my long time friend Mike Porto. I'll put this car up against either one of those two DeSotos at B-J any day of the week. It is also the same colors and I'd attach a photo, but I don't think the server will allow it to go through. To tell you how good the 4 door hardtop I'm speaking of is I can tell you that when the WPC had their national meet in Southern California a few years back this car was "Best of Show" and made the cover of the WPC Newsletter. John Lazenby ----- Original Message ----- From: Mark Souders To: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 4:37 PM Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Delta Wing Air Cleaners Hi John, When the Desoto Fireflite went across the block, the announcer stated "This Desoto is equipped with the Adventurer dual carb setup, but the batwing air cleaner looks like it was from a Cadillac." He obviously knew very little about Chrysler cars (he knew every detail about the Corvettes & Mustangs, though). That's when I sent an email to Speed. My email stated that "In 1956 the dual quad setup was standard on the Adventurer and 300B, and the batwing air cleaner was correct for those cars. That's where Cadillac got the idea." When they showed the engine bay while the car was on the block, it appeared to be a two-carb setup, but the picture they have on their web site clearly shows only one carb. Still, it was a beautiful example, and the bidding reflected that. I was surprised that the next car in line, an Adventurer hardtop, didn't bring nearly as much money. I guess it's true that when the top goes down the price goes up. Best regards, Mark Souders 300H Mohrsville, PA -----Original Message----- From: John <john@xxxxxxxxx> To: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Mon, Jan 24, 2011 10:49 am Subject: [Chrysler300] Delta Wing Air Cleaners Over the weekend I watched some of the B-J auction on the tube. I did see the 56 DeSoto Fireflite convertible that came across and brought $335,000. When he hood went up there was a Delta Wing and immediately I knew this was not orrect to this car. What I've since learned is that this example still retains single WCFB and the two original mounting ports on the bottom side of the ilter were filled in and then a new one created to mount to the single carb. Statements were made and the announcers didn't seem to have much knowledge on hese Delta Wings. I did hear the name of one 300 Intl. club member that had -mailed with some info regarding the DeSoto and it's one year use of the Delta ing. The implication I got was that the announcers were stating that these nits didn't start until 1956 and that is incorrect. I was also surprised that one of them knew the manufacture of all of them in the era. To ad a bit more on this I've attached an article I wrote some years ago and was ublished in the Chrysler 300 International Club's Newsletter. For those of you hat are not learned on the subject this may be of some benefit. If not, simply ush your delete button. John Lazenby HRYSLER C300 & 300 B DELTA WING OIL BATH AIR CLEANERS by John Lazenby was asked by Andy Mikonis to write this article in reference to questions and eplies that were in recent e-mails on the club's list server. First I must tate that I'm sure I don't have all of the facts as things are constantly being earned regarding our Letter Cars. Keeping that in mind this is what I can ffer. The common name for them is "Batwing", but Delta Wing is actually orrect. irst, I'm fortunate to own examples of both a C300 (3N551881) produced April 3, 1955 and our 300B (3N561382) built February 17, 1956. Now for comparison the 300 is just about mid way through the production numbers of the '55 model where he '56 is around 35% through the run of B's. t always amazes me on how many people think these cars are pretty much the same xcept for the fins being grafted on the B. Over my years of ownership and aving these two cars sitting beside each other in my garage I'm constantly inding differences. Some very suttle and some not so. I guess I could write any stories about each of these, but for this one I'll just stick to the Delta ing. n the process of restoring our B and having at that time just purchased the 300 I was working on both at the same time. I ended up taking both Delta Wings o my painter at the same time for metal work and paint. It was not until we tarted looking at each piece that the differences came to light. ow I've pretty much been of the opinion that the B is a better car than the 300 simply because there was time to work out issues with the earlier example. ey C300 owners don't get me wrong as I love those also. Andy uses this same heory on the F / G relationship and refers to the F as the "proto type G". I till hold to my opinion on this with the exception of the Delta Wing. he difference is not in the wing, but in the pods themself. We discovered at he paint shop that the two pieces of the pods, an inner and outer will not nterchange year to year. Also it was discovered that the guts of each was astly different. The C300 is more detailed in the construction and the actual iltering contents seems to be much thicker with far more construction to hold t in place. I guess from a performance standpoint maybe this is why the change as made as it might have been more restrictive. he wing itself is the same from everything that I've been able to learn. Delco roduced these units for several cars during this era. They were Caddy Eldos, ackard Caribbeans, De Soto Adventure's in 1956 only and certain Chevy's. ossibly there are more, but these are the ones I've personally seen. The major isible differences in all of these is the wing. Only the Chrysler version has he four ribs running fore and aft. The location of the pod holes are different nd also the necks to the carbs and the spacing associated with them. Makes me onder what the inside of the pods look like. Next time I encounter any of these t a swap meet I'll do my best to look and report the findings. ther interesting facts are that some examples are mounted 180 degrees from what he Chryslers are which looks really strange I think. Also they used a variety f attaching hardware that looks like it should be in a 1950's kitchen. In losing I would say the next time you find one of these rare items be sure you now what you are buying before you realize it won't work. Happy hunting !! 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