Bob and all, Here is the text directly from the 2007 Pertronix catalogue. "The Ignitor II has many of the same great features that the Ignitor has, but its smarter. Ignitor II units sense the coil current level and use a powerful micro controller to adjust the dwell. Variable dwell helps to maintain peak energy throught the entire RPM range. Ignitor II systems develop up to 4 times more energy between 3000 and 5000 RPM than standard ignition systems. High RPM performance is improved when used with the Flame-Thrower II super low resistance (0.6 ohms) 45,000 volt coil." John Lazenby 1955 Chrysler New Yorker Deluxe Town & Country 1955 Imperial Newport 1955 Chrysler C300 Tango Red 1956 Chrysler 300B Cloud White 1957 Chrysler 300C Coupe Raven Black 1960 Chrysler 300F Coupe Alaskan White 1963 Volkswagen Beetle Black 2001 BMW ///M5 (A Modern Super Car) ----- Original Message ----- From: Bob Jasinski To: 'johnl' ; 'Chrysler 300 list service' Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 1:33 PM Subject: RE: [Chrysler300] 300F problems Pertronix John, What is the difference between the standard Pertronics Ignitor and the Ignitor II? Bob J ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of johnl Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 12:09 PM To: Roger Schaaf; Chrysler 300 list service Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] 300F problems Pertronix Hi all, I've been following the e-mails regarding ignitons and have some info for you. First, Pertronix currently does not produce and Ignitor II for the early Hemi's or the 413 dual point type distributors. According to my recent conversation with John Gutheil, Pertonix's national sales manager and my personal friend they are not going to build such. Adding the 40,000 volt coil to any of their systems is a plus. I've seen comments about failures and the Pertronix not working well. Usual this is due to improper installation. On the very few units we receive back for warranty claim there are virtually none that have failed. The reason I know this is because Pertronix sends back a report on every unit we turn in for warranty. For those of you who viewed American Hot Rod on TLC (The Learning Channel) last night you saw Gary Meador's 300B of the Goodguys that Boyd Coddington did for him. Chrysler 300 International club member Ken and his son Brad Brody were deeply involved with this project. Brad rebuilt the entire engine and various other aspects of the car. Well, during the trip to Scottsdale, Arizona for delivery of the car to Gary you saw it stop running. When this occurred I got a panic phone call from Ken Brody asking about failures on the Pertronix. Soon it was discovered that the Ignitor was not the problem, but the tang from the bottom of the distributor drive had broken off. By the way that was Brad hanging over the fender exposing his back side. Don't care what type of ignition you've got, if the thing doesn't spin it don't work!!! Hopefully this will put to rest some of the misinformation going around. John Lazenby 1955 Chrysler New Yorker Deluxe Town & Country 1955 Imperial Newport 1955 Chrysler C300 Tango Red 1956 Chrysler 300B Cloud White 1957 Chrysler 300C Coupe Raven Black 1960 Chrysler 300F Coupe Alaskan White 1963 Volkswagen Beetle Black 2001 BMW ///M5 (A Modern Super Car) ----- Original Message ----- From: Roger Schaaf To: Chrysler 300 list service Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 10:49 AM Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] 300F problems Pertronix Are points lost in judging of 300's that have converted to electronic ignitions? Roger Schaaf 300 B ----- Original Message ----- From: Tony Rinaldi To: Richard Osborne ; John Hertog ; VICTOR KOONTZ ; Chrysler 300 Club Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 7:42 AM Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] 300F problems Pertronix To All, You all must be careful when sharing war stories about the Pertronix unit. Are you talking about the original one or the (improved?) Pertronix II, the upgraded model. John Hertog put the original Pertronix unit in my ³F² and the car ran horribly. He had my distributor re set up with dual points (calibrated by Don Verity) and the car ran well. If you take the switched power source from the ballast resistor, be sure to take it from the origin (before the resistor 12V side) and not after the resistor (6V side). Subsequently, I converted my car to Mallory CDI ignition with the points acting only as signaling devices. Had to redo wires with epoxy Mallory coil. Tony From: Richard Osborne <richard@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 05:44:22 -0500 To: "John J. Hertog" <crossram@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, 'VICTOR KOONTZ' <wikki123@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] 300F problems Pertronix John, I think something else is the issue here. There is NO dwell setting with the Pertronix upgrade. It is the absolute definition of plug and play. I added this to the white G last year. I had accidentally pulled some of the wires loose from the points while attempting a re-detail of the distributor. Rather than screw with setting the points back up, I called John Lazenby and ordered the Pertronix. The hardest part of the install was finding a good non-obvious power source. I suspect this is where the problem at hand lies. I no longer have the instructions, but it is very specific the power requirements. I spliced in around the ballast resistor, I'd have to look at which side, I can't remember right now. Once I had it installed, I was amazed as my car was no longer a turd, it performed great! The car had always run o.k., it just never had any balls. I feel it now has the power it should have had all along now. I do not mean to imply that this improvement is strictly because of the Pertronix (I think something was set incorrectly with the points), but I am very happy with it and have no interest in switching back to points as I plan to continue driving it a lot. Best regards, Richard Osborne >>> "John J. Hertog" <crossram@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <> > 03/15/07 11:07 pm >>> Hi Victor, Welcome to the Club and to the listserver. For the rest of the group, Victor owns a 300F hardtop restored by Tom Cox and then owned for a bit by Thomas Powers. Very nice black hardtop. Now on to your question - and a good question it is! I noticed the same dwell readings (I kind of tend to remember a lower number, though - like 18 degrees) when I installed a Pertronix on one or two of my 413 ram cars. And all I can say is that the car(s) never ran quite right with Pertronix. I ended up removing them, reinstalling the factory dual points, and everything was much better again. Also, what brand and model plug are you using? Comments, anyone? Vic, you may want to talk to Don Verity, at d.verity@xxxxxxx <> ; he's got a Sun distributor machine all set up and could fix up your distributor to spec. and bench- test it ... Original tires were 9.00- 14 Goodyear BlueStreak w. 2 1/2" whitewalls John Hertog Sag Harbor NY ----- Original Message----- From: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <> [mailto:Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <> ] On Behalf Of VICTOR KOONTZ Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 5:23 PM To: chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <> Subject: [Chrysler300] (unknown) I just got a 300F & the old owner said he had troublewith the car carboning the plugs within 3 to 4 weeks after replacing the plugs. I haven't had it long enough to experience that problem, but with the plugs so hard to remove etc. I don't want go through it. I did replace the plugs when I got the car because it wouldn't run. The car has a pertronix replacement of the dual points with a regular coil. I took a dwell reading & it was 22 degrees. Single points should read 27to34 degrees. Could this cause the fouling do to low saturation time ? Should I put in a pertronix high voltage coil ? 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