Need some help with the heater control block for a 300G ,Non Air. This is the Plastic, 5 button control block, for the vaccuum lines and electric connectors.
Part number 2096083 For five push buttons from the front and 7 vaccuum hose connectors on the back.
Three of the vaccuum connectors on the back of the block have broken off. Old age and stress???? I have the broken off pieces.
Are there NOS, good used, Repro ones out there??? Or can I repair the one that I have???
Can you "glue, epoxy, cement" the little vaccuum connectors back on and will it work well enough??
I think there was some discussion about this part and repair one or two years ago.
300ly Lauren R Lampi 300G under construction (Yes, This is the one that was rear-ended by a boat while it was locked in my garage) Grand Rapids, Minnesota