[Chrysler300] Digest Number 887
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[Chrysler300] Digest Number 887

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There are 14 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. RE: Mr. Clean Never Dry System
           From: "D'Aloise, Lawrence Jr." <ldaloise@xxxxxxxxxx>
      2. Re: Chrysler 300 Meets
           From: "Ron Waters" <ronbo97@xxxxxxxxxxx>
      3. Re: Chrysler 300 Meets
           From: Russ Vaughan <Pacesetter300@xxxxxxxxx>
      4. Fw: Chrysler 300 Meets
           From: Ben Meisner <meisnerinc@xxxxxxx>
      5. Re: Chrysler 300
           From: Andy Mikonis <r41hp@xxxxxxxxx>
      6. NewsFlite
           From: "Bob Merritt" <rcmerritt@xxxxxxxxxx>
      7. '65 A/C unit
           From: "david schwandt" <finsrus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      8. Re: Chrysler 300
           From: Tony Rinaldi <awrdoc@xxxxxxxxx>
      9. Electric window switches for  a 1964 300K
           From: Rinda Van Lennep <ednavan9@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     10. Stainless Spear for 300C
           From: Rob Kern <mjkern@xxxxxxxx>
     11. Re: Chrysler 300 Meets
           From: dan300f@xxxxxxx
     12. What makes a 300 "real"??
           From: "KELLY PIERCE" <jkrestor300@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
     13. Re: What makes a 300 "real"??
           From: "Fern Rivard" <crc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     14. Re: What makes a 300 "real"??
           From: "PaddyCaddy ." <paddycaddy@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Message: 1
   Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 12:40:22 -0500
   From: "D'Aloise, Lawrence Jr." <ldaloise@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Mr. Clean Never Dry System

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Kern [mailto:mjkern@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 8:30 PM
To: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Chrysler300] Mr. Clean Never Dry System

Hello to all 300'ly,
        I used the new Mr. Clean Never Dry System today for the very
first time ....and yes it was on Mopsy, my 300C.  This system is the
"Cat's Pajamas"!  No spotting what-so-ever!  Very easy to use.  By the
way I find it to be quite a compliment that they advertise for the system
with the front end of.. but what else?...a blue 300!!  I highly recommend
this system to all who love to wash their Brutes et al and would like to
spend time air drying (driving) than using a chamois!!  300'ly,  ROB KERN
Oh, by the way, since their was a recent bit of traffic regarding
upcoming 300 Club International Meets, I will be hosting the Fall, 2006
Meet here in Lawton, Oklahoma.  ROB

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Message: 2
   Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 12:41:29 -0500
   From: "Ron Waters" <ronbo97@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Chrysler 300 Meets

I thought we 'buried the hatchet' on that 300 Club vs. 300 Club nonsense a
while back.

Let's not dig it up now.  OK ?



Message: 3
   Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 10:07:38 -0800 (PST)
   From: Russ Vaughan <Pacesetter300@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Chrysler 300 Meets

Hi "other" Bob, 
I don't know if you have attended any 300 International meets or not.  Regular 300's are welcome, but looked upon like blacks in Mississippi during the '60's.  The "sport" 300's are not judged, cannot be entered in any shows and the owner is not eligible for any awards - even trivial ones like long distance or hard luck.  The 300 International club is a "Letter Car" club, period.  On 300's built before 1962 that's a clear cut designation. In '62 the distinction between a "letter car" and "sport" 300 became a little murky.  Sport 300's were available with full "H" performance options, just not the quad bucket seat interior. In '63 the interior option changed. My "sport" 300 convertible has the same claret leather interior (sans tach & 150 MPH speedo) as a "J" and the same  413 HP engine as a base "K"  or "L".    That makes it a 'kissin" cousin to a letter car, but not a letter car.   As long as members understand the distinction up front and don't take offense when their "almost"
 letter car isn't recognized as a letter car, there should be no problems or complaints. 
In my opinion, the other (AKA West coast)  club misses the point regarding 300's.  There should be a 300 club that recognizes sport and letter car 300's. Disclaimer-  Because I feel that way, doesn't mean I want the "International" (AKA East coast) club to change in any way.  The "Westy"  guys also welcome Dodge Chargers for instance as well as other Mopars.  As much as I love Dodge Chargers  they have no relevance to 300's.  How do you expect members who can judge a letter car,  judge a Charger? To maintain a degree of excellence  in restoring and judging letter cars, the scope necessarily has to be narrow. As has been the long standing policy of the "Easty"club.  As much as I can argue that my '63  "sport"  is every bit as competent a vehicle as some letter cars,  it doesn't make it one. 
Again, in my opinion, the "Westy" guys have had their problems because of trying to imbrace too many facets of Mopardom. I think they could be a great club if they only focused on 300's, letter and "sport".  One small example of my point.  A few years back, I ordered a set of '62 300 "H" factory photos  from their club store.  When I got the photo's I was shocked.  Both pictures were of 300 sports and not letter cars.  The hardtop was clearly a sport and the convertible was a sport with H performance option(not the H interior).  Last I noticed, no one had caught the error.  This would never happen with the "Easty" guys. 
Enough on this soapbox.
Russ Vaughan

Robert Merritt <okbobwynmer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Robert Merritt <okbobwynmer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:I'm confused.
I like 300s with or without letters and live in north central Oklahoma. Please tell me where the dividing line between the "East coast club" and the "West coast club" is so I can be sure I'm in the "right" club. 
Bob Merritt, No, not that one. I live in Enid, Oklahoma , so if this offends anyone, don't blame him. 
Personally, I would hate to live near Lake Tahoe and have a show-worthy 300 and know that I wasn't welcome because I was in the "wrong" club

Owen & Jo Grigg <ram300@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Ray & all,
I am very interested in attending the 2005 Lake Tahoe meet. The big draw
card for me of a combined meet, travelling fom NZ, would be to see/meet/cram
in as many neat cars/people as possible in a short period of time.
Now from my selfish point of view I'd like to see the lot! Of course I don't
have the huge job that Ray has to organize/host it. What I don't understand
is the "never combine with the other 300 Club" bit. Maybe I'm out of line
here, I don't know the goings on of the "other club" but wouldn't it be
great to see a totally HUGE meet. Or am I just asking for the impossible to
Just my 2c worth
New Zealand

----- Original Message -----
From: Ray Jones <hurst300@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Chrysler 300 Listserver <Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 12:10 PM
Subject: [Chrysler300] Chrysler 300 Meets

Hi al;
It has come to my attention that some have been mis-informed or mis-read
some e-mails recently.
The mis-information is that we are hosting a combined meet at Lake tahoe in
fall of 2005. This is TOTALLY WRONG!!! As long as I'm Meet Coordinator....


Now if you care, about meets, read on.

For those of you who don't know, there is an e-mail list group called
Forward Look. this is a group of about 475 people who discuss the Mopars
called "Forward Look", the focus of this list is 1955-1961 Chrysler
Corporation vehicles. This is NOT a club, does not have an office, a
publication, nor does it have any "club" like structure. Strictly a e-mail

Nov 20, of last year in a Forward Look e-mail, a list member suggested that
it would be nice if the Forward Look people got together, and mentioned Lake
Tahoe as a good location.

I, as the 300 Club Meet Coordinator, and Meet publicity getter, responded
that the 300 Club was having a meet in 2005 in Lake tahoe., and anyone was
welcome to stop by and see our cars. Details on request.

Wayne Grafen jumped in and said that it was a great place to do this and
thought that after some years as a e-mail list that it was time that some of
them got together to "Meet". Sorta like the way our club started.

Larry Jett, as Meet Co-host of the Tahoe meet, e-mailed that  it sounded
good to him, and that he had a Hotel blocked out for the meet that the 300
Club wasn't going to use after all and if anyone on the Forward Look list
wanted to organize a get-together, the hotel would be available. He also
suggested that if they indeed did have a get-together, we could possably
share a show field. He pointedly did not offer to host or combine the groups
in any real fashion, nor does it in any way have anything to do with, or was
the other 300 club ever mentioned!
One person did refer to contacting Wayne as to the details in conjunction
with the West Coast 300 club. This was quickly corrected by both Larry and
myself. We made sure that everyone was  aware that this was the 300 Club
International, based in Jonesville...the "Eastern club".

Someone has read the e-mails and started telling our club members that this
was a meet combined with the other club. How anyone who reads English could
get that from the e-mails, is beyond me. Furthermore, no one has contacted
me as the 300 Club Meet Coordinator, to ask what is going on. Just bitched
in the background. I have on file all the e-mails discussing the above, and
will share with anyone who would like to see how something so dumb could
evolve. Unsubstantiated rumor is a terrible thing.


See you all at the Spring Meet in Whitehall, PA.
Ray Jones, Jones Ridge, in the Ouachita Mtns near Mena, Western Arkansas

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Message: 4
   Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2004 10:30:25 -0800
   From: Ben Meisner <meisnerinc@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Fw: Chrysler 300 Meets

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ben Meisner" <meisnerinc@xxxxxxx>
To: <pacesetter300@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Chrysler 300 Meets

> Well Put Russ !!, there aren't that many real 300"s , about 3600 odd for
> the years together , that is what makes these cars so unique , I have no
> difficulty in a club that wants to welcome everyone... but I believe this
> club should be dedicated to what it is all about ... 300's . Just  because
> your dog is a pure bred and gets out of the pen and gets bred by a mutt
> doesn't make the off  spring  a purebred .
> Ben Meisner
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Russ Vaughan" <Pacesetter300@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Robert Merritt" <okbobwynmer@xxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: <Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 10:07 AM
> Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Chrysler 300 Meets
> > Hi "other" Bob,
> >
> > I don't know if you have attended any 300 International meets or not.
> Regular 300's are welcome, but looked upon like blacks in Mississippi
> the '60's.  The "sport" 300's are not judged, cannot be entered in any
> and the owner is not eligible for any awards - even trivial ones like long
> distance or hard luck.  The 300 International club is a "Letter Car" club,
> period.  On 300's built before 1962 that's a clear cut designation. In '62
> the distinction between a "letter car" and "sport" 300 became a little
> murky.  Sport 300's were available with full "H" performance options, just
> not the quad bucket seat interior. In '63 the interior option changed. My
> "sport" 300 convertible has the same claret leather interior (sans tach &
> 150 MPH speedo) as a "J" and the same  413 HP engine as a base "K"  or
> That makes it a 'kissin" cousin to a letter car, but not a letter car.
> long as members understand the distinction up front and don't take offense
> when their "almost"
> >  letter car isn't recognized as a letter car, there should be no
> or complaints.
> >
> > In my opinion, the other (AKA West coast)  club misses the point
> 300's.  There should be a 300 club that recognizes sport and letter car
> 300's. Disclaimer-  Because I feel that way, doesn't mean I want the
> "International" (AKA East coast) club to change in any way.  The "Westy"
> guys also welcome Dodge Chargers for instance as well as other Mopars.  As
> much as I love Dodge Chargers  they have no relevance to 300's.  How do
> expect members who can judge a letter car,  judge a Charger? To maintain a
> degree of excellence  in restoring and judging letter cars, the scope
> necessarily has to be narrow. As has been the long standing policy of the
> "Easty"club.  As much as I can argue that my '63  "sport"  is every bit as
> competent a vehicle as some letter cars,  it doesn't make it one.
> >
> > Again, in my opinion, the "Westy" guys have had their problems because
> trying to imbrace too many facets of Mopardom. I think they could be a
> club if they only focused on 300's, letter and "sport".  One small example
> of my point.  A few years back, I ordered a set of '62 300 "H" factory
> photos  from their club store.  When I got the photo's I was shocked.
> pictures were of 300 sports and not letter cars.  The hardtop was clearly
> sport and the convertible was a sport with H performance option(not the H
> interior).  Last I noticed, no one had caught the error.  This would never
> happen with the "Easty" guys.
> >
> > Enough on this soapbox.
> >
> > 300ly
> >
> > Russ Vaughan
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Robert Merritt <okbobwynmer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Robert Merritt <okbobwynmer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:I'm confused.
> > I like 300s with or without letters and live in north central Oklahoma.
> Please tell me where the dividing line between the "East coast club" and
> "West coast club" is so I can be sure I'm in the "right" club.
> > Bob Merritt, No, not that one. I live in Enid, Oklahoma , so if this
> offends anyone, don't blame him.
> > Personally, I would hate to live near Lake Tahoe and have a show-worthy
> 300 and know that I wasn't welcome because I was in the "wrong" club
> >
> > Owen & Jo Grigg <ram300@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hi Ray & all,
> > I am very interested in attending the 2005 Lake Tahoe meet. The big draw
> > card for me of a combined meet, travelling fom NZ, would be to
> see/meet/cram
> > in as many neat cars/people as possible in a short period of time.
> > Now from my selfish point of view I'd like to see the lot! Of course I
> don't
> > have the huge job that Ray has to organize/host it. What I don't
> understand
> > is the "never combine with the other 300 Club" bit. Maybe I'm out of
> > here, I don't know the goings on of the "other club" but wouldn't it be
> > great to see a totally HUGE meet. Or am I just asking for the impossible
> to
> > happen.
> > Just my 2c worth
> > Owen
> > Auckland
> > New Zealand
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Ray Jones <hurst300@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> > To: Chrysler 300 Listserver <Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 12:10 PM
> > Subject: [Chrysler300] Chrysler 300 Meets
> >
> >
> > Hi al;
> > It has come to my attention that some have been mis-informed or mis-read
> > some e-mails recently.
> > The mis-information is that we are hosting a combined meet at Lake tahoe
> in
> > fall of 2005. This is TOTALLY WRONG!!! As long as I'm Meet
> >
> >
> > Now if you care, about meets, read on.
> >
> > For those of you who don't know, there is an e-mail list group called
> > Forward Look. this is a group of about 475 people who discuss the Mopars
> > called "Forward Look", the focus of this list is 1955-1961 Chrysler
> > Corporation vehicles. This is NOT a club, does not have an office, a
> > publication, nor does it have any "club" like structure. Strictly a
> > list.
> >
> > Nov 20, of last year in a Forward Look e-mail, a list member suggested
> that
> > it would be nice if the Forward Look people got together, and mentioned
> Lake
> > Tahoe as a good location.
> >
> > I, as the 300 Club Meet Coordinator, and Meet publicity getter,
> > that the 300 Club was having a meet in 2005 in Lake tahoe., and anyone
> > welcome to stop by and see our cars. Details on request.
> >
> > Wayne Grafen jumped in and said that it was a great place to do this and
> > thought that after some years as a e-mail list that it was time that
> of
> > them got together to "Meet". Sorta like the way our club started.
> >
> > Larry Jett, as Meet Co-host of the Tahoe meet, e-mailed that  it sounded
> > good to him, and that he had a Hotel blocked out for the meet that the
> > Club wasn't going to use after all and if anyone on the Forward Look
> > wanted to organize a get-together, the hotel would be available. He also
> > suggested that if they indeed did have a get-together, we could possably
> > share a show field. He pointedly did not offer to host or combine the
> groups
> > in any real fashion, nor does it in any way have anything to do with, or
> was
> > the other 300 club ever mentioned!
> > One person did refer to contacting Wayne as to the details in
> > with the West Coast 300 club. This was quickly corrected by both Larry
> > myself. We made sure that everyone was  aware that this was the 300 Club
> > International, based in Jonesville...the "Eastern club".
> >
> > Someone has read the e-mails and started telling our club members that
> this
> > was a meet combined with the other club. How anyone who reads English
> could
> > get that from the e-mails, is beyond me. Furthermore, no one has
> > me as the 300 Club Meet Coordinator, to ask what is going on. Just
> > in the background. I have on file all the e-mails discussing the above,
> and
> > will share with anyone who would like to see how something so dumb could
> > evolve. Unsubstantiated rumor is a terrible thing.
> >
> 300
> > CLUB!
> >
> > See you all at the Spring Meet in Whitehall, PA.
> > Ray
> > --
> > Ray Jones, Jones Ridge, in the Ouachita Mtns near Mena, Western Arkansas
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > To send a message to this group, send an email to:
> > Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > For list server instructions, go to
> > http://www.chrysler300club.com/yahoolist/inst.htm
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > To send a message to this group, send an email to:
> > Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > For list server instructions, go to
> http://www.chrysler300club.com/yahoolist/inst.htm
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >    To visit your group on the web, go to:
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Chrysler300/
> >
> >    To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> > Chrysler300-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
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> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> > To send a message to this group, send an email to:
> > Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > For list server instructions, go to
> http://www.chrysler300club.com/yahoolist/inst.htm
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >    To visit your group on the web, go to:
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Chrysler300/
> >
> >    To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> > Chrysler300-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> >    Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> > To send a message to this group, send an email to:
> > Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > For list server instructions, go to
> http://www.chrysler300club.com/yahoolist/inst.htm
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >


Message: 5
   Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 11:38:13 -0800 (PST)
   From: Andy Mikonis <r41hp@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Chrysler 300

If I don't get a few more 300 HURST stories/photos
within two weeks I am going to make a motion at the
next business meeting to have the 300 HURST
"de-recognized" by the Club!

Andy Mikonis,
your humble editor, and the hardest-working man in the
car club publishing business...

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Message: 6
   Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 15:49:10 -0500
   From: "Bob Merritt" <rcmerritt@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: NewsFlite

I am relaying this message:

The December NewsFlite with the Spring Meet registration form will be mailed
out to all members shortly.  Our printer promised it would be finished and
ready to pick up by Monday, the 9th.  Included with that mailing will be out
2004 membership roster.
Thank you for your patience!

Eleanor Riehl, Editor


Message: 7
   Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 16:37:08 -0600
   From: "david schwandt" <finsrus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: '65 A/C unit

Any one know the correct model # for the A/C unit on a 65 Chrysler? 

Better yet, how about a close up photo of the condenser core on an L?

Reason is, I have an NOS core I'm trying to positively  I.D.


Dave Schwandt

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 8
   Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2004 19:04:07 -0500
   From: Tony Rinaldi <awrdoc@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Chrysler 300

Good one (good tongue-in-cheek remark Andy). Add that to the e-mail threads
regarding the upcoming ³joint² meeting and I may just forget the Winter
doldrums here back East. Freezing again today.

Warming up the e-mail server is a good thing. Just don¹t boil it over.

300-F (Letter Car) Convertible
> From: Andy Mikonis <r41hp@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 11:38:13 -0800 (PST)
> To: Chrysler 300 Listserver <Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Chrysler 300

> If I don't get a few more 300 HURST stories/photos
> within two weeks I am going to make a motion at the
> next business meeting to have the 300 HURST
> "de-recognized" by the Club!
> Love,
> Andy Mikonis,
> your humble editor, and the hardest-working man in the
> car club publishing business...
> __________________________________
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 9
   Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2004 16:12:15 -0800
   From: Rinda Van Lennep <ednavan9@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Electric window switches for  a 1964 300K

Does any one have working or any that can be made working, single window
switches for  a 1964 300k?

I need two for the back windows of my never ending project convertible
which may be coming to  a close.




Message: 10
   Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 20:22:06 -0600
   From: Rob Kern <mjkern@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Stainless Spear for 300C

Hello to all 300'ly,
        Last week a club member put out a request for a stainless spear
for a door panel for a 300C.  I deleted the message after reading it at
the time...now I may be in the position to help that club member.  Please
contact me ASAP.  300'ly,  ROB KERN

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Message: 11
   Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 21:41:41 EST
   From: dan300f@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Chrysler 300 Meets

In a message dated 2/8/04 10:09:43 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
Pacesetter300@xxxxxxxxx writes:
How do you expect members who can judge a letter car,  judge a Charger?
Be careful what you say, Gary Goers is our head judge,  whom we regard very 
highly.  Who better than Gary to judge both letter cars and Mopars?  Get on the 
wrong side of him and you may not get your order!!!  Besides, having a 
variety of cars makes show day very interesting and you make a lot of new friends.

Dan Reitz
Northridge, CA

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 12
   Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 23:52:58 -0700
   From: "KELLY PIERCE" <jkrestor300@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: What makes a 300 "real"??

Greetings group-

 Yep here I go again- can't resist jumping in on this discussion. When you look at the first 300 and look at a K for example, quite a change in MARKETING philosophy, as well as a changing market. A 62 300 with "H" options and only difference being a speedometer and seats could be looked upon as more of a "letter car" than a standard equipment only K. Can we sit here 40+ years later and "judge" a sport 300 as a step child, or look down on K's and L's because the market and the corporate philosophy changed? The sport 300 wouldn't be around if not for the lettercar, nor the change in corporate thinking and marketing. The letter cars did what Chrysler was after- Image and sales-(along with other things) not necessarily letter cars, but Chrysler Products. Even at the high for their day price tag, I doubt that Chrysler made much if any profit off the letter cars by themselves. Lacking a "letter" after the 300 makes them something other than "real'? What are they then, A Newport? Saratoga? NO- Chrysler named them 300.......
    Even un-intentional negative comments or perceived as negative, comments about one or any club other than this one can cause  members to leave. I have seen clubs wither and die  from things of this very nature.
    Think about this for a bit- A meet with both clubs, same time and place, each hosting it's own "show" with awards etc. Two shows in one place, those in both clubs could be in the middle, and if meeting all aspects to belong in both meets(a letter after the 300) be the buffer zone so to speak, and bring everyone who owns or just loves the cars together in one place and time. In 20 to 40 years if we don't get more people to see the cars and learn about them, get excited about owning one some day, embrace all 300's as a club, (judge them separate but judge them all),(my opinion only) there will be future generations that will only know of the 300 in pictures in a book, like many makes and models you NEVER see, at a show or on the road. Other than the "old 300M's" they will not know the joys known as 300, or of Hemi power, fins, dual quads, leather, long rams, short rams,  un-silenced carbs,etc. in person. I know my opinion expressed here is not shared by many.  All I ask is that you think about it, nothing more.  300 related, so it counts but in a "letter to the editor" opinion type way. Again forgive me for being long winded.  
Joe Pierce 300Kx3 +M+64 sport + 64 sport wagon(one of none)                                         P.S. Is a "M" real or not?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 13
   Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 00:29:17 -0800
   From: "Fern Rivard" <crc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: What makes a 300 "real"??

Hi Kelly:
    I agree with  your comments. I recall going to several car meets where
both the WPC and Chrysler 300 meets were combined at same location and dates
which turned out very good. I'm thinking of one in Victoria BC back in 1995
or so and another one either later that summer or following year held in
Portland Oregon.
    Cheers from Fern in Cranbrook SE BC

----- Original Message -----
From: "KELLY PIERCE" <jkrestor300@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 10:52 PM
Subject: [Chrysler300] What makes a 300 "real"??

> Greetings group-
>  Yep here I go again- can't resist jumping in on this discussion. When you
look at the first 300 and look at a K for example, quite a change in
MARKETING philosophy, as well as a changing market. A 62 300 with "H"
options and only difference being a speedometer and seats could be looked
upon as more of a "letter car" than a standard equipment only K. Can we sit
here 40+ years later and "judge" a sport 300 as a step child, or look down
on K's and L's because the market and the corporate philosophy changed? The
sport 300 wouldn't be around if not for the lettercar, nor the change in
corporate thinking and marketing. The letter cars did what Chrysler was
after- Image and sales-(along with other things) not necessarily letter
cars, but Chrysler Products. Even at the high for their day price tag, I
doubt that Chrysler made much if any profit off the letter cars by
themselves. Lacking a "letter" after the 300 makes them something other than
"real'? What are they then, A Newport? Saratoga? NO- Chrysler named them
>     Even un-intentional negative comments or perceived as negative,
comments about one or any club other than this one can cause  members to
leave. I have seen clubs wither and die  from things of this very nature.
>     Think about this for a bit- A meet with both clubs, same time and
place, each hosting it's own "show" with awards etc. Two shows in one place,
those in both clubs could be in the middle, and if meeting all aspects to
belong in both meets(a letter after the 300) be the buffer zone so to speak,
and bring everyone who owns or just loves the cars together in one place and
time. In 20 to 40 years if we don't get more people to see the cars and
learn about them, get excited about owning one some day, embrace all 300's
as a club, (judge them separate but judge them all),(my opinion only) there
will be future generations that will only know of the 300 in pictures in a
book, like many makes and models you NEVER see, at a show or on the road.
Other than the "old 300M's" they will not know the joys known as 300, or of
Hemi power, fins, dual quads, leather, long rams, short rams,  un-silenced
carbs,etc. in person. I know my opinion expressed here is not shared by
many.  All I ask is that you think about it, nothing more.  300 related, so
it counts but in a "letter to the editor" opinion type way. Again forgive me
for being long winded.
> Joe Pierce 300Kx3 +M+64 sport + 64 sport wagon(one of none)
P.S. Is a "M" real or not?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> To send a message to this group, send an email to:
> Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> For list server instructions, go to
> Yahoo! Groups Links


Message: 14
   Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2004 06:43:03 -0500
   From: "PaddyCaddy ." <paddycaddy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: What makes a 300 "real"??

For what it's worth,  I agree that it is a ridiculous and elitist notion 
worthy more of a giggle or two rather than a strict adherance to someone 
else's idea of ideological purity (sic).

I have great respect for the members of this club and listserver who started 
and maintain both, and I thank them once again for their efforts whether or 
not they agree with me.

But still, all this reminds me of way back when...

I bought a 1962 Chevy Impala SS coupe.  My girlfriend at the time (and her 
sister) asked me over and over why I had spent so much more on that car than 
I did on my 4 door hardtop plain Jane Impala.  After weeks of trying to get 
away with saying ÿou don't understand" - I finally had to come to grips with 
the very real notion that I had spent triple or quadruple the money for what 
ultimately boiled down to the great honor and respect afforded only to those 
SS owners who could boast of having the SS grab bar mounted to the passenger 
side dash.   All the other little details (metallic swirl trim, bucket 
seats) could be ordered with and other Chevy - even the "lowly" Biscayne I 
think.   The powertrain was identical to my other car.

Needless to say - they both got quite a laugh at this, and me.   And I 
learned an embarrasing but important lesson about cars from two girls who 
didn't know a thing about them.

Even now - you can see these silly guys at meets like Hershey busily having 
pissing contests about VIN's, body codes, and build sheets.  AKA, is this 
car really an LS6 and worth $60,000 more because it originally had different 
valve relief on the pistons (which have been replaced since then anyway....) 

It's OK with me if someone in the 300 Club is proud to have a specific 
letter car - especially if it is, say, a version that featured the crossrams 
and other unique powertrain options.

But I'll be just as impressed if someone saves a plain Jane non-letter car 
from the crusher and restores it.   It is no less a piece of automotive 
history - and no less a car to admire.   At least in my book.   After years 
and years of seeing the same top end"" cars at meet after meet by the dozen 
- I'm getting fonder all the time at running into an old Satellite, DeSoto 
Hemi, station wagon, Corvair Pickup, etc.


>From: "Fern Rivard" <crc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: <chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "KELLY PIERCE" 
>Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] What makes a 300 "real"??
>Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 00:29:17 -0800
>Hi Kelly:
>     I agree with  your comments. I recall going to several car meets where
>both the WPC and Chrysler 300 meets were combined at same location and 
>which turned out very good. I'm thinking of one in Victoria BC back in 1995
>or so and another one either later that summer or following year held in
>Portland Oregon.
>     Cheers from Fern in Cranbrook SE BC
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "KELLY PIERCE" <jkrestor300@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: <chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 10:52 PM
>Subject: [Chrysler300] What makes a 300 "real"??
> > Greetings group-
> >
> >  Yep here I go again- can't resist jumping in on this discussion. When 
>look at the first 300 and look at a K for example, quite a change in
>MARKETING philosophy, as well as a changing market. A 62 300 with "H"
>options and only difference being a speedometer and seats could be looked
>upon as more of a "letter car" than a standard equipment only K. Can we sit
>here 40+ years later and "judge" a sport 300 as a step child, or look down
>on K's and L's because the market and the corporate philosophy changed? The
>sport 300 wouldn't be around if not for the lettercar, nor the change in
>corporate thinking and marketing. The letter cars did what Chrysler was
>after- Image and sales-(along with other things) not necessarily letter
>cars, but Chrysler Products. Even at the high for their day price tag, I
>doubt that Chrysler made much if any profit off the letter cars by
>themselves. Lacking a "letter" after the 300 makes them something other 
>"real'? What are they then, A Newport? Saratoga? NO- Chrysler named them
> >     Even un-intentional negative comments or perceived as negative,
>comments about one or any club other than this one can cause  members to
>leave. I have seen clubs wither and die  from things of this very nature.
> >     Think about this for a bit- A meet with both clubs, same time and
>place, each hosting it's own "show" with awards etc. Two shows in one 
>those in both clubs could be in the middle, and if meeting all aspects to
>belong in both meets(a letter after the 300) be the buffer zone so to 
>and bring everyone who owns or just loves the cars together in one place 
>time. In 20 to 40 years if we don't get more people to see the cars and
>learn about them, get excited about owning one some day, embrace all 300's
>as a club, (judge them separate but judge them all),(my opinion only) there
>will be future generations that will only know of the 300 in pictures in a
>book, like many makes and models you NEVER see, at a show or on the road.
>Other than the "old 300M's" they will not know the joys known as 300, or of
>Hemi power, fins, dual quads, leather, long rams, short rams,  un-silenced
>carbs,etc. in person. I know my opinion expressed here is not shared by
>many.  All I ask is that you think about it, nothing more.  300 related, so
>it counts but in a "letter to the editor" opinion type way. Again forgive 
>for being long winded.
> > Joe Pierce 300Kx3 +M+64 sport + 64 sport wagon(one of none)
>P.S. Is a "M" real or not?
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> > To send a message to this group, send an email to:
> > Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > For list server instructions, go to
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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