61 Plymouth Belvedere two door hardtop, 318, a/t, 68k miles, skirts, spots,
spinners, little rust, $9000, 352-595-3618 in FL
56 Dodge two door sedan, tri-tone paint, good condition, $12,500,
352-465-3029 in FL
56 DeSoto four sedan parts car, $350, 315-265-8664 in NY
55-56 Plymouth two door sedan parts car, NOS fuel/temp gauges and gas door
guard, 336-765-8312 in NC
56 Dodge Texan two door hardtop, 331, a/t, running but needs TLC, $7900,
323-325-2415 in TX
60 DeSoto Adventurer four door sedan, V8, a/t, full power and a/c, rusty,
$700, 304-229-5750 in WV
59 Dodge convertible, 395 Commando, fully restored, p/s, p/b, $62,000,
218-289-1185 in MN
56 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer two door hardtop, 440 Magnum, dual four
barrels, a/t, leather buckets, restored (???), 218-289-1185 in MN
Not mine.
Dan C
Spanaway, WA