That was a pretty good thread and all the points of view are valid depending where you are at. It should not be necessary to wet the floor in a dedicated paint booth. It should be clean enough as a matter of course and is typically bare of anything else. For most of us do it yourselfers we are generally working in the same place where we filled ,sanded and primed the car. Its full of benches and cupboards and other stuff where dust can get into and just wait for fresh sticky paint. (also if you are covering the stuff in the garage, plastic is not the greatest. Cloth is better or masking paper, but you gotta go with what makes sense for you.) I have had very good luck with wetting the floors but if you can clean it and wash it a day ahead of time with no chance of loose dust, that is best. Always use one of those water filters that goes right on the gun. Also a small compressor can tend to generate more water than a larger compressor that has a cooler head
temperature. The comment about water dripping off the hose is one to really note. If you can bring the hose up behind you and over the shoulder and keep an eye on where it goes. I have seen lots of garage paint jobs turn out very nice (show winning even) but its a lot of work, but if you are playing with cars for fun, this should be part of it. If you have an attached garage, seal the passage door to the house as well as you can, tape it shut even. Try to get a negative pressure in the garage as compared to the house and leave that fan on for a few days after the car is painted. The paint will send off fumes for days and you wife won't thank you for any paint smell in the house, well car paint anyway.
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