Snake Farm offers an "Estimated Value" policy (as opposed to :"Stated Value", wherein a "Specialty-Insurer" [e.g. Condon & Skelly, etc] agrees to pay a specified-amount, "no- questions-asked" [like Life Insurance] if your car is determined to be a Total-Loss.) . Some (all?) of the 'specialty' carriers place certain usage/storage restrictions on a "collectable" vehicle. The Snakester allows complete freedom of usage/storage, but reserves the right [ahem] to 'adjust' the value of your settlement, based upon the physical appearance (primarily) of the 'car' , at the time of its damage, or demise. But, the E.V. DOES act to place an upper-coverage limit, on your policy limits. The difference between the "Estimated" value, and the concept of a standard insurance-policy's "Actual Cash Value"--------- (which means :"market-value", in California, and NOT : "replacement-cost, less physical-deterioration" . But, YOUR state may use the latter 'definition' of value, which tends to imply "depreciation", while, the former CAN, and does reflect "appreciation", in value)--------- is that, @ least, The Company has agreed to START negotiations @ a certain amount, subject, again, to your car's pre-loss "condition", as opposed to starting 'from-scratch', which IS what happens, on virtually all 'normal' vehicles, which become 'totalled'. So, I've got $25K Estimated Value coverage, on Horrie (too little, really) for Collision loss, w/a $250.00 deductible, and TWO-hundred dollars premium, per year. Comp is also "250", but I forget what the premium is, on that, right now. Oh, yeah, I forgot; NO formal value-appraisal was required by the Company, IIRC, back in 1981, when I took out the coverage, on him; the friendly agent & I just 'agreed' on the coverage-limit, based upon my bringing the car, to the agency, for inspection. I THINK 'it' still works like this, today; it should. Check with your Agent, for (the cost and availability of) "Estimated Value" coverage. Neil Vedder ************************************************************* To unsubscribe or set your subscription options, please go to