Hi All -
Please respond to this only if you have painted cars professionally or have
*lots* of car painting experience.
I visited my 58 Ply at the body shop today. They are a Dupont shop. There
is a layer of Variprime over the bodywork, which was done on bare metal.
Then over the Variprime, he shot a layer of Dupont primer, not sure what
it's called. Then he blocked the car a final time. What I noticed today
was that in the course of blocking, he had gone thru some of the outermost
layer of primer and in a couple of spots, had gone thru to bare metal. When
I questioned him, he said that he was planning to put a layer of primer
sealer over everything before shooting the color coat, and that should be
OK. I thought that he should have reprimed the bare spots before shooting
the seal coat. Any thoughts on this ?
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