I see a set of rocker panels for 2-drs on eBay said to fit all 1960-61 Chrysler products... and it occurs to me to wonder, does anyone need them short of a collision repair? All the junkers I'm messing with, the '60'-61's are rotted out in a lot of places - but not in the rockers. You can open back doors and shake the body around, even after all the salt and sitting in the dirt. I was concerned before about them coming apart under here, being used to the messes GM cars turn into, but I think I could drag just about every one of these out - springs through trunks in some cases - and still get them in more or less one piece. They were doing something right when they went to the unibodies - Bill K. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Over 25,000 pages of archived Forward Look information can be easily searched at http://www.forwardlook.net/search.htm Powered by Google! |