There was a message, yesterday, referring to disc brakes & seat belts. While I have nothing against disc brakes,those folks who feel compelled to install them, are KIDDING themselves, if they think that 'mere' seatbelts are necessarily gonna 'save' them, or their passengers, in a 'serious' accident (and, YES, I've installed seatbelts, in Horace). Seatbelts are of primary importance in keeping a person inside a car, and the driver: behind -the-wheel, during an accident. Notwithstanding the most-times-benefit of remaining inside a car, what actually occurs during a 'serious' accident is that the seatbelt will 'cantilever' an occupant into the dash, or windshield (but not necessarilly through, the windshield---do our cars have laminated "SAFETY-shatter- GLASS"; I don't know). The other interesting thing that happens, with seatbelts, is that the driver/passenger "SUBMARINES" under the belt, & is crushed by the steering wheel and/or dashboard/footwell area. "Disc-brake" folks should consider installing upper-torso belts (like the 1968 -model-seatbelts; the bolts can be mounted through the roof) and also under-seat "groin- belts. I suppose the 'best' thing would just be to sit in the car, while it's being "trailered" around. YEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH, I know, it's late, now, & I'm being "silly" (not)--the point is, LIFE is full of risks, & you have to decide the extent to which you'rewilling to accept the probability for your own personal injury--whether you "speed" or not, drink & drive, operate a car that is NOT 100% mechanically-restored, or assume that your seatbelt , or disc brakes, are going to "protect" you from ANY NUMBER of catastrophic failures or collisions, that yer FWDLK'er is likely to suffer. OK, you've got disc brakes and 5-point seatbelts--how are "your" hoses/belts, power steering system, brake-lines, suspension components, driveline, TIRES, windshield wipers/controls, headlights- system, tail-lights, shock-absorbers, axle-bearings, & oh yeah: engine/trannie?????? Who's gonna be the first one to install energy-absorbing steering wheels and airbags, and side-impact 'bars' & roll-over 'protection'? International-orange paint would be desirable, too, huh? Neil Vedder Bishop, CA 1957 Dodge -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Over 25,000 pages of archived Forward Look information can be easily searched at Powered by Google!