Hi, gang! I was trying to keep this hush-hush until the car is officially in my driveway, but that won't be for another week or so. The word is gradually seeping out, so here it is.. I bought an Adventurer coupe! (Of course, a '57, for those who know me!). It needs everything, and right now even the engine is stuck. I will try to keep progress pictures of the restoration on my web site, http://www.angelfire.com/de/petrus/index.html For now, you can by-pass the main site if you wish and go directly to the Adventurer with this address: <http://www.1957desoto.150m.com/page55.html> . The site has limited bandwidth, so if you can't see it right away, check again later or the next day. I'll probably have lots of questions for you guys, and maybe can help answer some along the way. This is it for me, though. 3 1957 DeSotos and 3 children. Each will inherit one. Wish me luck on this project, please! Ed -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Over 25,000 pages of archived Forward Look information can be easily searched at http://www.forwardlook.net/search.htm Powered by Google!