Has anyone , TRULY, been able to adjust, or modify their "heater/vent" system , so that they receive "cool" fresh-air , thru the dashboard-system (NOT, just via/thru the lower-dash, levered-dump-vent-thing) ? Even my 'late-model' car has relatively warm "vent" air, come into the interior. I KNOW "why" the engine-area heated-air enters the interior; my question is, again, has anyone been able FIX the problem of always-warmed-vent- air , entering the car. I know, that the heater-control, when, placed @ the "on" position, is SUPPOSED to allow cool/fresh air to enter via the 'heater' system, & I HAVE checked the operation of the heater- control cable, that connects with the heater-valve, beneath the dash, and "it" seems to be in proper adjustment/operation, but does anyone, here, claim NOT to receive 'ONLY' "warm" air into their car (so that it may, yet, be POSSIBLE to acheive "cool" outside air, into the car, via the 'heater-system'???--or is 'it' just an unavoidabe 'defect', to be lived-with? Neil Vedder -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Over 25,000 pages of archived Forward Look information can be easily searched at http://www.forwardlook.net/search.htm Powered by Google!