My 2 cents.... (although I make no guarantee that it is worth that). I am an original member of this group. Saying that, let me dig right in. I have been know to stir a little s**t every now and then. My views have always been received with angry responses (remember when DCX announced the merger and I caught all the flack for insinuating that Chrysler is being overtaken by a former Nazi controlled corporation that will rape it of it's soul... like Chrysler did to AMC?... Yeah, everyone thought I was a kook and it was a "merger of equals". Or how about when Roger's wife wrote me a death threat because I was a little too verbal?... I still love you Roger...and your wife) I have been part of several Marque based auto groups... AMC, Cadillac, Mitsubishi and Chevy... NONE of them have had the type of people we have had on this list. It sounds funny, but vintage cadillac people do not answer requests for help, I have joined and rejoined those groups over a 5 year period and they never change. I had posted a question about the 331 Cadillac engine block and I had NO responses, they some other guy posts a question on if the members of the list believe that their cars are male or female and the thread lasted an entire week.... PLEASE KILL ME NOW! Dave's list and site have always been THE major reason that I love forwardlook owners. The thought of charging for any of it seems exclusive. As forwardlook owners we cannot afford to be exclusive. Even a small fee is wrong. Now I think donations are a different story. I say you make a list of people who have donated, also offer to put a link beside them (this will encourage people with businesses or fan sites to contribute as well). Name and link... I would pay for that. Just put it under a "supporters" section or something. It seems tasteful without making your site look like a whore. Who knows..... Best Regards, Josh The55PlymouthPage -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Need an answer fast? Search the 17,000+ pages of the Forward Look Mailing List archives at