I've always bought my material from Original Auto Upholstery, especially when so many negative comments have been made about SMS. Last fall, I needed material that Original Auto Upholstery did not have. ABC in Pennsylvania did not have it either. On Nov 19, I phoned Original Auto Upholstery and they had the right stuff. I asked for a sample to be certain. The sample was in my mailbox within a week. On March 21, I phoned back to actually place my order. I was dealing with Chuck, who told me he was going to Australia the next day, and so my order would not be shipped until he returned on April 15. On April 16, the UPS driver rang my doorbell and had a big roll of material for me to sign for. So, I think SMS did a great job and did almost exactly what they were supposed to do. My only quibble is that I had asked for US Postal Service, rather than UPS, because UPS adds an additional $35 customs brokerage fee, on top of the shipping charges. So, it cost me a few extra bucks, but at least I've got the right material to finish this car with. Dick Woodside -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Need an answer fast? Search the 17,000+ pages of the Forward Look Mailing List archives at http://www.forwardlook.net/search.htm