Re: [FWDLK] Cop Cars In Chains
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Re: [FWDLK] Cop Cars In Chains

How about that classic "Porky's" !

-----Original Message-----
From: Forward Look Mopar Discussion List
[mailto:L-FORWARDLOOK@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mike Sealey
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2001 4:11 PM
To: L-FORWARDLOOK@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [FWDLK] Cop Cars In Chains

This scene, and a convincing '61 Ford cop car, were
recreated to many laughs in "American Graffiti". I
also seem to remember a "Leave It To Beaver" episode
where Eddie talks Wally into doing this to Lumpy's
car, with a chain that turns out to have "W. Cleaver"
stamped into it...

Heard of this happening in many jurisdictions since
(including Modesto, CA, hometown of George Lucas and
alleged location of "American Graffiti") but no idea
whether life imitates art or vice versa.

Surprisingly, I've never seen an Andy Griffith show
episode where someone did this to Barney Fife...

--- Jack Johnson <johnaire@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>     My brother in law told me this story many years
> ago.  It seemed that the local policeman in
> Portville, NY was a nasty guy.  He would park next
> to a coffee shop and wait for speeders  One nite
> while he was in the coffee shop, the guys put a
> chain around his axel and then around a tree and
> left some loose chain.  Then when they knew he was
> in the car waiting for speeders, they came flying
> by.  Needless to say he took off after them, he came
> to a stop at the end of his rope!!!   And I was told
> that his rear axel was torn off the car.  Needless
> to say he never caught his speeders.

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