Re: [FWDLK] Hats
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Re: [FWDLK] Hats

Hi all,
   I have received a few emails regarding the caps and patches I have.   Dave has once again posted the info as to where one can view them.  I will not send the info out on an individual basis, please look at the sites.   I have a limited supply left, and I will need to take an inventory.   I will sell these on a first come first served basis...first emails followed by superfast payment.   When they are gone...that is it!    Send me an email with the type and color you are interested in and I will see what I have.   I will expect payment within 7 days, after that I will no longer hold a cap or patch for you. Caps are $20.00 including S&H, and patches are $6.75 including S&H
   I have gone through the same thing Dave has experienced with calendars.   Please do not send email with the intention of buying, without following through.   These things take time and effort, just like the Forwardlook list.   Please show consideration for those that invest the time for others to benefit from.  Believe me, I am not getting rich on these!
   Thanks once again Dave, for God knows how many hours of effort you put forth for all of us!
John in WI

Dave Stragand wrote:
All of the information is at

Just contact John Bartell to see what stuff is still available.

Pics are at: , , and


-----Original Message-----
From: Forward Look Frank [mailto:fwdlkfjw@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 3:39 PM
To: L-FORWARDLOOK@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [FWDLK] Hats

Hello Everyone,
I've been waiting for years to see someone make
these. Never knew at one time they existed. If someone out there is making
Forward-Look hats or selling one (un-used hopefully :>)) I'd buy one. Hey
Dave, can the same guy start making a re-run. Let us know.
Best regards to all,

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