Re: [FWDLK] Follow Up Info
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Re: [FWDLK] Follow Up Info

Joe, it's sounds rough, but it may be salvageable. It's possible he cracked
a head or blew the head gasket and the antifreeze went into the oil and
wiped the bearings around the crankshaft. That's what the loud knocking is.
If it's not a cracked block. You may be able to pull the heads, have them
checked for cracks and check the gasket to see if it blew. you may also be
able to pull the crank and change the bearings without removeing the motor
from the car. I did it with my dad once on a van. If the crank is wiped, he
may need to have it ground and get oversize bearings. I'm not super
technical with exact tolerances. I'd be curious to see what the other more
motor techincal folks have to say. It won't cost much or be very difficult
for you to pull the heads and have them checked(magnafluzed) if a blown
gasket is not obvious.

Don't worry, all is not lost.

I have a parts 56 Savoy with a v/8 if you wind up needed any parts, like a
head or something.

Did he know it was overheating, or did he drive it until it stopped running
----- Original Message -----
From: joe frega <joefrega@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <L-FORWARDLOOK@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 2:47 PM
Subject: [FWDLK] Follow Up Info

> Wow, what a great group of people.
> I sent out my "sad tale" meesage at 9:30 this morning
> and I've already received over a dozen responses from
> members with help, ideas, suggestions, resources,
> offers to phsically help in our repair and even an
> offer of a free engine and it's only 1:30 now.  All
> this in four hours.
> Again, what a great group of people.
> Jason hasn't seen any of your responses yet since he
> is in school.  I'm positive that he will be very happy
> after he realizes (like I now have) that all may not
> be lost.  The first few responses have already
> instilled a feeling of excitement and optimism about
> getting Jason's car back up and running.  They have
> also given me a sense of renewed spirit and
> encouragement.  Thank you all so much.
> Several of you asked where we are located.  About 35
> miles west of Chicago, in the Fox River Valley town of
> Geneva, Illinois (soon to be famous in a new Paul
> Newman/Tom Hanks movie which is being filmed here next
> week - but that's another story).  (By the way John in
> WI, we have pretty much the same winter weather as
> you. Admittedly not as much snow, but Chicago winters
> are no picnic.  I chuckle when I see your weather
> reports and I know Brian in MI has it pretty rough
> too!)
> Sorry, I digress....So, we're in the Chicago area.  As
> for the "engine being shot"...When I got to where the
> car was stopped, it was cooled down completely.  We
> filled up the radiator, started it up and continued to
> fill.  When we started it, I could hear a fairly loud
> knocking coming from the lower engine (not lifter
> noise).  It quieted down some, but didn't sound good.
> Turned it off, checked the oil - oil was
> blackened/charred, very thick AND all the way up the
> dip stick.  Obviously, all the antifreeze was in the
> oil pan (although it was heavy thick oil, not creamy
> like usual when mixed with antifreeze??).  I figure
> head gasket or cracked head but the mechanic said
> severe lower engine problems and I took his word at
> this point.  His $3000 guestimate probably is high as
> some of you said.  All the mechanic did was start it
> up briefly and listen to it.  No other tests were
> performed. His opinion is based on hearing my story,
> looking at the oil and listening to the engine run
> briefly, nothing else.
> I have no way of knowing how long it ran hot as Jason
> had three other kids with him, cruising at 60-65,
> windows down and radio on.  He's too inexperienced to
> notice any subtle signs of a problem until it was too
> late. He was on the open road for about 60 miles.
> So there you have it.  Thanks again for all of your
> help.
> Joe and Jason
> 56 Belvedere(s) hopefully ;)
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