John Bartell wrote: > Okay Dave... > Times up! Florida did their thing, again! Let's hear the results > of the important stuff, like FWDLK. calendars. The BS polls show the > topless beer flaunting it's can to be the winner! Awaiting your > excellencies final tally! > John in WI Well, the results are still being contested, BUT I have a court order to certify the results: *************** FROM: THE FORWARD LOOK FEDERAL SUPREME COURT TO: MR. DAVID STRAGAND - SECRETARY OF CALENDARS FORWARD LOOK MAILING LIST Dear Secretary Stragand, After much deliberation it is the unanimous decision of this court to issue the following ruling. 1. POWER OF THE SECRETARY The power vested and entrusted to the Secretary of Calendars of the Forward Look Mailing List SHALL not be usurped by any person, organization or lower court in anyway. 2. ELIGIBILITY OF VOTES It is the sworn duty of the Secretary of Calendars of the Forward Look Mailing List to ascertain the authenticity of all ballots received. Those ballots having under voted SHALL be counted. Ballots having over voted SHALL be thrown out, and not counted. Absentee ballots SHALL be counted if duly executed and received by the established deadline. 3. CHADS It is the sole responsibility of the Secretary of Calendars of the Forward Look Mailing List to determine the intended meaning of all votes received. Chads know as (dimples or pregnant) SHALL NOT be counted unless multiple indentations of the same type are present in sufficient number as to clearly determine the will of the voter. Chads having more than one corner detached SHALL be counted as votes. Chads having only one corner detached SHALL be counted as votes at the sole discretion of the Secretary of Calendars. 4. CERTIFICATION OF VOTE It is the duty of the Secretary of Calendars of the Forward Look Mailing List to tally all votes received, and certify the vote after the established deadline has expired. Voting results SHALL be announced by the secretary at his earliest convenience. In all aspects of this election, the decision of the Secretary of Calendars is final and SHALL be undisputed. Sincerely, B. J. PULTANOVICH - Chief Justice Associate Justices: MS. CHRISTINE MR. BELVEDERE MR. DeSOTO MS. PLYMOUTH MR. DODGE MR. CHRYSLER ****************** So... In other words, the establish deadline has expired! The next email has the voting results! -Dave