In the fogginess of my mind, I recall, I think, that my 80 Citation used metric fastners. Think the world car idea and metrics in the marketplace were the thing about then???? Does anyone know what the status of metric and Chryco is/was? Reason is that I eyeballed one of my 79 Chrysler wheels thats now on the 56 and it has stamped on the front of it numbers, and one is M12. Now I am guessing that means the wheel bolts may have been 12 mm metric????? This is just under 1/2 inch of course. And since the 56 wheel covers will not fit, just enough TOO tight, I wounder if back then they also had metric sized (but very close to what used to be) wheel covers..................... My index to Chrysler product passenger cars does not seem to have that kind of info. Color me curious, input appreciated! Lars |