This is a tutor the dummy request. My 56 Dodge Custom Royal came with the crank case breather tube disconnected and dangling. In its place is a PCV adapter with an in line PCV valve and an adapter plate under the carburetor. I cleaned the valve and the valve seems to work, I think. When I suck on the end towards the manifold I get flow through the valve without a lot of restriction. When I suck on the other end the valve shuts. The adapter plate is on top of the intake manifold, under the carburetor. It is a direct opening into the vacuum at the base of the carburetor. I am thinking this will be a big vacuum leak if the PCV valve is installed as indicated on the valve. How is a PCV valve supposed to work, so I can verify mine is working and is not installed backwards. Should I try to get a grommet to fit the opening in the valley cover and install a modern PCV valve? Thanks in advance for the tutoring. Ken Rimington 1956 Dodge Custom Royal (chassis restored, engine, tranny and driveline to be installed this week!!!)