Someone wrote: > Any plans for a tent, food, etc for this year's C at C ? I think if we put > the word out to the FLML, maybe someone can bring/rent a decent tent to put > up. A sign would also be helpful... Hi All, Yes, we already have a big tent for the All Chrysler Nationals at Carlisle, formerly known as Chryslers at Carlisle. If you're planning on bringing your car (any year car), please make sure to tell them you're with the Forward Look Mailing List to help us get credit. Bring chairs if ya' have 'em! It's July 14-16. On Saturday the 15th around six o'clock or so, we will have a dinner at the tent. (I'm not sure where exactly the tent will be located, but keep an eye out for us on the show field. We'll be there somewhere.) Heather Euler, who usually attends the event with me, will not be able to make it this year. That's sad, but on a positive note, we won't starve this year. (Heather always insists on playing caterer... last year she figured that 2 large pizzas and a 2-liter of Coke was enough to feed 20 people. This year, I'm going to get us a nice spread from KFC or the like!). I am currently on a plane to London... I won't be back until July 1st, but I plan to finish up the arrangements and give out further information at that time. (Junior Johnson's housekeeper is sitting right next to me. J.J. is in first class. I'm hoping to get his autograph when we land.) Anyway, that's all for now. If any of you Forward Lookers want to catch up with me in London, I'll be staying at the Strand Hotel downtown. -Dave