All In the years that I've been buying parts over the internet and through Hemmings every time somthing that was not the correct product advertised was recieved by myself it was taken back buy the seller without any grief. Also most of the time the return postage was refunded. The only time I had the misfortune of getting "screwed" by a vendor was when I tried to have a power steering box rebuilt. The guy quoted me a sdad$400 price then when he recieved it and had it for 5 weeks called me and told me that it would cost $900 to have it done. I asked for it back and he charged me the shipping. I was a quite pissed so we compromised on splitting it. I really wanted the box back. Of course thats the short story....Anyway I got a box for $150 from another vendor, so it was cheaper in the long run. Other than that I've not had any problems. Long winded today. John Paxos '57 Fury |