Re: [FWDLK] bible verses??
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Re: [FWDLK] bible verses??

   Any body who fiddles with old car has to be off their rocker some.
But where other place to be???  My friend who is in his mid 70's when we
were at Hershey this year said that he knew a proffesion that he could
make a lot of money down there.  A psycotrist (shrink) would do well
there trying to figure out why all these people walk all over the
grounds looking for some rusty part.
Half a bubble off in Shinglehouse
Jack  55 Plymouth
      49 Chrysler
      55 Dodge
      35 Chevy 1 1/2 ton truck
      68 International Truck with a 1950 cab and 4 x 4
      96 LHS

Jim Dooley wrote:
> Hi All,
>         sometime back someone on the list gave a couple of bible verses that
> Fury or Plymouth related. I have searched back and can't find them. Does
> anyone remember or know them?
>         I finally got back to playing with the cars for this year.It seems I
> to busy after July 4 till time for the snow to fly to enjoy my hobby. I
> pulled my 34, 1 1/2 ton dodge in to get it ready for winter storage and it
> reminded me of why i enjoy the 57-8 plymouths so much. I drove a 57 from
> 1964 through high school and untill after i got out of the marine corps in
> 72 till 1973. I finally ended its life on a stock car track in 1974. every
> time i walk by one of my cars i remember someting from those years when
> life was fun and responsibilities were taken a litte less seriously. my
> wife at that time was taken to the hospital in this car to deliver my
> daughter. The reason the old dodge reminded me of this is because it was
> the same truck my great grandfather drove to deliver lumber with from 1934
> to 1950 when they both retired. when ever i use the truck it reminds me of
> him and my great grand mother and the times we shared. Aren't these old
> cars wonderful? They give me a peacefull feeling that I can't get anywhere
> else. The priest at my church just looks at me funny whenever I tell him
> I've been in my sancturary (my shop). Does this happen to anyone else or am
> I just off my rocker a little ( or a lot) ?
> later, Jim
> 57-58 Plymouths
> 34 Dodge trucks
> 97 Ram

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