Oh no another color discussion. There seems to allways be several colors to items like theese. And the argument/discussion goes on and on. It is quite rediculous and can be logically explained in this manner. Each factory on occasion used other colors of paint as they became either a) availiable at a better price or b) used by that particular factory as their standard color. And you can be sure that on occasion they would find themselves out of paint or nearly so (since they didnt have the advantage of computer invintories) thus neccessitating the need for another paint right away. Its funny how we modern people with our need for things to be uniform project this sociological neurosis upon the past. It doesnt friggin' matter what color is on your wheels or whatever. If you can scrape alittle bit of paint off and see that that truly was and is the color your wheels were you dont need any verification as to proper colors. Plus with so many parts that could be interchanged betwix itself and other models you just wont get any kind of real standardization. The conversation is interesting at first but why must we go on and on about colors not matching up. And those Canadians (for instance), man it seems like they just did whatever they wanted, adding trim that didnt go on the cars even. Me thinks that back then standardization of parts ment something very different to them than it does to us now. Like politics and the way we view government, even social morals go through many changes. It is funny how our minds want to believe that those people, so very different from us, did things the way that we would now. Very different animals. So what was the most popular color of a womans hair in 57' bleached blond or Argent? Well it depends upon which section of the country your talking about and what woman (or man for that matter) you ask. Hope I didnt tick any of you mental types off with my comments. Actually maybe I did. lol Anyway its something to think about yes? Really, people see things quite diferently without the advantage (?) of computers, mass media and unifority of products and their manufacturing processes. Just ask your parents. hehehehehehehe |