Chrysler quit caring about car design over 40 years ago, turning out ugly, crappy cars that were a shadow of what they had made in the past. Why do people put such "value" in the name when all substance and meaning was sold down the road a long, long time ago ??? And let's not go the Yabbut's Syndrome route here, .... Yabbut what about the Viper ? Yabbut what about the Prowler ? Those were NEVER workaday cars like a 57 Dodge or a 60 Plymouth. The Forward Look era was the pinnacle twain where art and creativity met "let's move cars" to a perfect storm of innovative, whimsical fun. The fine folks of greater Detroit gave up on that ethic, crumpled it up, and tossed it in the trash. Finding it cheaper (more personal profit for execs) to build ugly garbage and TELL YOU how bad you want/need one than to actually build something cool. Remember when it was a big deal to go see the new cars on opening day ? Yeah .... me too. :-P What will happen with the names ? Hmmm ..... Since names like DeSoto and Plymouth are already trashed, I'm failing to see any reason to care. They didn't care. Why should anyone else ? Afterall, they did the DeSoto name a favor by killing it when it still had it's fins on. Plymouth badges were stuck on all sorts of junk, making it necessary to explain your Plymouth is a 1958 model, whereas saying "I drive a DeSoto" requires no further explanation. Kapische ? Values and popularity never mattered to me. I didn't like the whole "popularity" game in high school, and I have no interest in owning a car because it's "popular" (insert puking icon here). I have owned these cars since before all the tagalongs got into MY hobby and drove prices out of sight, took these cool old cars off the road and shipped them to Sweden, and frankly, I'd prefer it if they were once again just "old beaters" you saw in grocery store parking lots and being driven like normal cars. Chrysler sold us out. Just like most designers did. I see no reason to worship that name just because they once did a good thing. I like the CAR, not the name. As far as I am concerned, until they go back to making cars, what they call the Tupperware they make today is utterly irrelevant and hardly worthy of notice. B. ====================================================== On Jan 3, 2014, at 5:06 AM, eddee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > HI MEMBERS > > Just heard,,CHRYSLER is now 100% owned by FIAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > > I wonder what it will mean for the CHRYLSER/DODGE/PLYMOUTH NAMES DOWN THE ROAD?? > > WONDER WHAT IT WILL DO TO OUR CAR VALUES AND POPULARITY > > ED ECKERSON > LI NY > > ************************************************************* > > To unsubscribe or set your subscription options, please go to > > > Help the Forward Look with every eBay purchase by starting your search here: > > > Help the Forward Look with every Amazon purchase by clicking here: > ************************************************************* To unsubscribe or set your subscription options, please go to Help the Forward Look with every eBay purchase by starting your search here: Help the Forward Look with every Amazon purchase by clicking here:
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