This item might be a tad pricey, as-is, and, the seller might have a slightly smaller-size/cheaper box be available, but this box would serve as a very nice pre-built enclosure, to be used to create a completely- portable, self-contained sound-system, for a non-radio car. As far as lacking an external antenna, the boom-box container could be wired for a Sirius (or XM) satellite system, and receive its power from the car's cigarette lighter. The Sirius "antenna" is a small magnetic disc, which is wired to its control module. That module "broadcasts" the satellite-signal to the boom box's FM radio/receiver-section, which transmits the sound-signal to the boom box's speaker(s)---either installed on the front of the boom box, or in stereo, on either side of it. SO, subject only to an external satellite antenna-wire, and a cigarette-lighter power connection, the entire boom box could be transported from car-to-trunk-or-to-another-car, in only a few moments' time! A dedicated radio-antenna system might be able to be installed, inside the boom box, too (I'm no Rocket-Surgeon) , but, with all the available satellite channels , a great variety of continuous music programming is available----and, one of them gnu-fangled Certificate of Deposits-players could be incorporated into the boom box, too. The HARDEST part, creating the portable boom box enclosure, appears to be accomplished, now. Neil Vedder ************************************************************* To unsubscribe or set your subscription options, please go to ************************************************************* To unsubscribe or set your subscription options, please go to |