I come down on the side of insanity... $700 plus for a set of floor mats is
And, in case no one has thought of it, the person(s) who think nothing of
paying that kind of money "just because they have it" are driving the "Price
engine" higher every time they do it, thus making the vintage car hobby
impractical and unattractive for those of us less well endowed with cash.
I'm not rich (Except in family and friends), so my car is far
from original, but it is presentable. That is all I can ever hope for, and
I like it. I wish, however, that parts were a little more easy to come by,
so I may just have to forget the whole thing some of these days.
It's like the old saw about "experts":, that learn more and more about
less and less until ultimately they know everything about nothing.
I suspect that if the present trend continues, some few privileged
individuals will have all the wonderful old cars, AND NO ONE ELSE WILL
CARE! Barrett-Jackson auction prices illustrate this trend
I used to buy the occasional trinket on Ebay for my 1957 Chrysler
sedan. Most of my recent attempts have been foiled by one individual who
seems to have very deep pockets, and is apparently bent on buying ANYTHING to do
with the 1957 Chrysler. My only guess is that he is reselling them
overseas, because that is where he seems to be. This bad apple has spoiled
the barrel for me, and I'm sure that he doesn't even care. It's enough to
strain one's Christian charity.
Sorry for the sour grapes....
Lake Orion, Michigan