If it wasn't 'clear' from my previous missive, ANY good upholstery shop can install custom-fitted clear plastic seat covers on a car. When 1st installed, they will feel tacky, but that sensation will soon go-away, leaving you with a "feel" that will be much like that of a car with al-vinyl interior. You'll also notice that those covers will firm-up & support your upholstery--you'll not sink as far into them, as before, and you SHOULD consider installing seatbelts (which you should, already, have installed--aftermarket belts are readily available & easy to mount). Entry/exit will be much easier; on my just-replaced clear covers, there was an OMINOUS pointy-depression, where a sharpish-thing (ballpoint pen tip?) had tried to force its way into the (driver's) seat bottom, but the clear cover "saved" the upholstery! The plastic also brightens-up the interior, by reflecting ambient light, and adds a brightness/depth to the upholstery, kind of like a clear-coat paint job. If I had a convie, I'd install the plastic covers in a heartbeat , to protect its very vulnerable multi-$K investment. Finally, & most curiously/amusingly, you will be approached by passers-by, remarking upon the good condition of your "NOS/OEM" plastic seat covers, & saying how they "recalled" them, in the past. C-5, y'all! Neil V.