Ed, Factory clamps should look something like these on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=790265918 3&category=10076 <http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=79026591 83&category=10076> Dave Homstad 56 Dodge D500 -----Original Message----- From: Forward Look Mopar Discussion List [mailto:L-FORWARDLOOK@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of eddee Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 4:24 PM To: L-FORWARDLOOK@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [FWDLK] CORRECT EXHAUST PIPE CLAMPS???? Hello List. While disassembeling my exhaust system,,,I noticed the clamps the previous owner used. I cannot believe they are 'MOPAR' circa 1957 clamps,,,,,,,,but They sure look like something from that era. Can anyone help identify if these clamps are anything worth keeping,,,or just aftermarket scrap metal at this point. (they all work and are not rusted,,but they are not Stainless) They are 5 piece clamps,,,,2 nuts,,,,,,the threaded loop,,,,,,the cross bar (which is one piece of steel bent in a circle at the ends for the threaded loop to go through) and ,,,,,,,,the most interesting piece,,,,which is a 'cover piece'. The 'COVER PIECE' is 5/8" wide,,goes over the cross bar,,has holes in end for the threaded loop and has stamped on it The size of clamp in a circle,,,,AND 'US PATENT 3605214' 'CAN PATENT 321230' Can anyone identify who made these and what era they are,and are they worth keeping?? Thank you ED ECKERSON LI NY 57 FURY