My wife attended a writer's conference recently and received an unusual request. A fellow writer has asked if we could find her a picture of a late 50's Plymouth station wagon that is in her words "white with a black top and side markings on fins and looks like an orca whale." (maybe she is writing the much anticipated screenplay for Christine 2 meets Jaws 5, sort of like a Freddy vs. Jason thing). The closest thing I can think of to this car would be a '57 Sport Suburban, but I can't recall ever seeing a black top over a white body. Does anyone know if this existed out of the factory? And, does anyone have a picture they can email? Thanks, Keith W. 58 Savoy -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Over 25,000 pages of archived Forward Look information can be easily searched at Powered by Google! |