@ least, I never DRIVE in it! So, nachely, I installed a variable-speed windshield wiper system, about 20 years ago ( outa a 57 NY'er 4-dr HT) & only really used 'em, in 1986, @ WPC national meet, in Colo Springs (Great show, Sherwood!) Anyway, every 5 years, or so, I think about the fact that my "variable" speed wipers aren't very-variable, & are, in fact sorta-slow, in operation, too. Are "my" observations typical, or is there a cleaning/adjustment operation I can perform to either the switch, or to the motor, to improve the speed/variability of this system? And YES, I am familiar with field-stripping & cleaning, etc., headlight/dimmer switches/rheostats-- I guess I'm really asking if anyone else's variable-speed w/s wiper systems really operate "quickly" ( NOT just sorta-lazily) and w/much variability ? Neil Vedder (sunny/smokey CA) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Need an answer fast? Search the 17,000+ pages of the Forward Look Mailing List archives at http://www.forwardlook.net/search.htm