I haven't seen this 'wonderful' moovee, but knowing how hollywood 'works', the subject Dodge convertible, if, indeed in "cherry" condition ("in Russia??") , may not have been actually destroyed, in making that flic. A substitute (hopefully Cheebie-type) car may have been 'grenaded', or, a semi-real "beater" may have been used. It's always fun to watch movies, wherein the "destroyed" car (usually going over a cliff, & exploding--natcherly) doesn't quite match the car that had been being driven, @ the previous moment. James Bond movies come to mind, as well as the original "Attack of the 60-Foot Woman (which prominently features a 58 Imp conv, & Ply police cars). BTW, my favorite movie is "The Gypsy Moths", w/Steve McQueen , & a 57 CR D500 conv (gold/white, but in 'poor' condition). Neil Vedder -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Need an answer fast? Search the 17,000+ pages of the Forward Look Mailing List archives at http://www.forwardlook.net/search.htm