Here in Vermont it is quite normal to see a person of most any age walking around with a firearm; it is not illegal. Any person can walk around with a concealed or nonconcealed bazooka and there isn't a thing anyone can do about it. Most people don't do this however, except during hunting season, you will find lots of folks walking with their rifles or crossbows. Now, I have given up on finding any headliner attachments for my 58 Plymouth. I have heard that Plymouth Voyagers have the same setup and they can be used. I looked at a 80's Voyager and it did not have anything that resembled it at all. Does anyone know what year/type minivan has headliner strips that will hold my headliner back up in my car? Seems no one wanted to buy my awesome car, I would to get this fixed. Also, is there anyone else out there who has the digest mode and all they get are equal signs (=20=) after every word in a sentence? Mike