Chrysler Corp.
discontinued the flash chroming of stainless steel after 1956. It had been
done during the Korean War period because the war effort had lowered the quality
of the stainless available for auto industry use and it would dull or etch
depending on local environment street abrasives and chemicals.
There is one
exception to this; most all Mopar hubcaps (and other brands) continued to flash
chrome their hubcaps for many years because of their proximity to the road and
the abuse they take.
All body trim
except obvious cast pot metal parts are stamped stainless
Hello All,
I wrote a few weeks ago about polishing
my trim on my '59 Fury. I got plenty of good responses but I'm still stuck on
one thing. Is the trim on a '59 Fury stainless or chrome plated steel? I know
that should be easy to tell but, I also heard it was flash chromed. Now is it
"cheap" stainless not refined enough that it has a magnetic property or is it
chrome plated steel?
I'm ordering the eastwood
buffing kit next week and I'd hate to ruin my trim following the procedure for
buffing stainless when I should follow the steps for chrome. Any '59 Plymouth
owners out there done this before?
Thanks in advance for all of your
Take Care,