Garret, The final drive ratio for you current PowerFlight 2 speed is the same as the TorqueFlight 3 speeds 1:1. The main advantage of a TorqueFlight is improved reliability and improved acceleration through 1st and 2nd. Only an overdrive will reduce freeway engine rpm. You have lots of tranny choices: 1. Cast iron TorqueFlight, 56 - 61. Comes with brake drum on the tail. No adapter required. Could use a 57 TF drive shaft with out change. 2. Aluminum 727A TorqueFlight. Needs an adapter, which is readily available from multiple sources. Must be from an "A" series engine. Sub choices: a. 1962 Chrysler tail extension has the emergency brake drum. b. 62 - 64 can be cable shifted to use original push buttons. c. Latter 3 speed TorqueFlights. 3. Chrysler 518 overdrive. Uses same adapter as 727A 4. GM PowerGlide, TH350, TH400, and overdrives 700R4, 4L60-E, 4L80-E. Needs an adapter that is available. All of these will require some modifications, such as drive shaft length, drive shaft change from "ball and trunnion" to slip yoke, tranny mount relocation, tranny oil cooler if you don't already have one, shifter and kick down linkage mods, etc. You could also swap your 2 speed pushbutton cluster to a 57 3 speed button cluster. Dave Homstad 56 Dodge D500 -----Original Message----- From: Forward Look Mopar Discussion List [mailto:L-FORWARDLOOK@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Garrett Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 10:33 PM To: L-FORWARDLOOK@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [FWDLK] Trannies and 57 Dodges No, this isn't some disgusting car club where we all dress up like women and talk about 57 Dodges... But seriously, keeping in line with the 55 Plymouth tranny question, does anyone know what types of transmissions might fit on a 57 Dodge? I have a 325poly engine, and currently the 2 speed auto trans. I'll probably be selling my car(if interested, e-mail me for info and/or pictures) but if I keep it, I'd like to eventually beef up the transmission to make it more functional (cruising down a highway at 65-70mph with a 2 speed makes me feel worse than the engine, not to mention the incredibly poor gas mileage and engine wear). Anybody know if a 700R4 would fit....ha ha. I'd prefer something with overdrive to keep the rpms lower when "cruising." A 4 speed would be nice. Just curious for now, but any input will be appreciated. Thanks in Advance, Garrett in Ohio 57 Dodge 72 Chevy "Pimpala"(also for sale)