How about just the FL emblem with the words 'The Forward Look' underneath ? Ron > Okay gang, here's the scoop... > I am getting a "lot" of interest in Fwdlk. caps. The emblem I am > having done on my sample cap has the fwdlk. logo with the Plymouth ship > on it. Why...because that is what my 59 Plymouth has for an emblem. I > chose this emblem for my interior, and it does cost a bit to have the > computer program made for the embroiderer, therefore I can use the same > program for caps without added expense. > I am willing to have another program made if there is enough > interest in caps with a "generic" fwdlk. emblem on it. It has been > suggested the crossed "V's," or rockets would be a good choice. Others > have asked about Dodge or Chrysler logos. I know everyone would like one > with their personal choice of emblem, but it is cost prohibitive for me. > > If Dave S., our list guru is game, maybe we could use the voting > forum he had set-up for the calendar, and have different styles of > Fwdlk. logos and vote on a style of logo and color for the official > "Forwardlook List Member" cap. > The more caps I have done, the easier it is to offset the set-up > charge. If we can agree on one style and color, I would take a head > count as to how many would be interested and get a price on the caps. I > am sure we can get these made and shipped for under $20 per cap. I am > willing to do the leg work, and shipping if we can agree on something > Please feel free to add your comments and suggestions. > John in WI... looking for the perfect cover for my noggin. (okay, > yeah... age has taken away some of the natural insulation)