After keeping my 57 Plymouth since 1981 I finally have it running and driving on the road. The 20+ years of not being used and now running the engine for an extended period and driving for an extended time (across town and home again) I still do not have the confidence I have worked out/fixed all the things that could cause a breakdown. I am finding things have dried out or are just plan wore out. The latest is the header core did not hold the pressure and starting leaking coolant. I took it out and tested it under pressure and sure enough the honeycomb has some nice leaks. I have talked with a local radiator repair place (of course the core goes out on Sat when repair folks are enjoying their weekends off) and they explained the honeycomb material from which the heater core is made is not readily available. Does anyone know if the honeycomb material for the heater core is available and can I use it to repair my heater core, if so where can I find it and what is a reasonable cost? Or should I start looking for a NOS heater core and/or used heater core and if so where and what is a reasonable cost? Thanks Harry in NC 57 Plymouth (was running) 58 Plymouth wants to be running