We all know where the rust starts/is, bottom of door panels, rockers, headlight buckets and back splash pans where dirt collects and holds moisture, often around windshield trim where it doesnt drain, and floors if there are interior leaks or used in damp climates. Likewise at exterior trim holes where the fastners chafe the paint off... Years past after reinstalling trim I used ziebart to dip the fastners in and let em dry before installing then brush applied after installation to daub up those areas and wiped it off clean while still damp sealing any metal chafed by poping in the fastner. If U talk nice to local rustproofer they might sell U a pint of that nice wax based rustproofing that remains resilient for years, not undercoating of course! Nowadays some of it is clear, not dark brown like the original was... Tho it was AZ car, still some floor rust on my 56 wagon. None elsewhere tho. 62 Ply Savoy 2 dr post bought new- Akron- removed front fenders in 65 and lots of rust on backsides. No undercoat, just a light factory coat of paint. 66 cuda bought new- Michigan- No rust problems but sold it after 3 yrs . 71 Audi bot new- Michigan- Noticed some rust after 2.5 years and removed front fenders, fine German steel fenders lots of rust on backside. Nothing is/was said about metal quality, esp when a war was going on. The 55/56's often had a trim quality problem due to low grade stainless thanks to the Korean war effort, maybe trickled over into 57? Seems like a recent new vehicle, wuzzit my Nissan 'I aint got no name' king cab pickup? After 18 months all the hangers underneatl were badly rusted/corroded, like they were never painted or protected. Just keeps us all out of our wife's way I guess... L. |