Hi, I forgot to put in my last email. evenually I will need a new thermostat houseing for my 56 Savoy 6cyl. It becoming pourous. It's not a problem yet, but I'd like to locate one. Also, if someone has replaced their bench seat with some buckets, I may need a front seat fram as the locking mechanism on the passenger side of the front seat broke. I have it locked in place now, but can't adjust the seat. I finally got the thermostat housing bolt drilled and re tapped sucessfully. I left the rad and water distribution tube alone. I'm happy to report she is now running cool. I'd like some comments on this. I wanted to put the car back together but didn't have a water pump gasket, so I just used some rtv copper and everything seams to be ok. I was out in it tonight, I sure do love driving this car, I cruised to my parents house to pick up some blank 8 tracks. I know, I'm probably one of the few who record compact discs onto 8 track. But these cars were meant for 8 track players. How many of you run 8 track players. Popped in my old beach boys and I was singing at the top of my lungs. "this car of mine, when I bought her now, she wasn't new, old and broke now...this little car means a heck of alot to me. I remember the day, when I chose her over all those old, broken clunkers, this car of mine ....." Sorry for the babbling, have a good night. Nick |