Here's my list of '55 Plymouth literature, not including magazine ads and postcards... - Robert Bishop (CC=colour catalog; CF=colour folder; PCC/PCF=part colour; NCC/NCF=non-colour) US Sales Literature PA-1620 CC, full line, 16=x7, 24p, "the all-new '55 Plymouth a completely new car..." PA-1622 CF, full line, 8=x8, x2x3 panels, "all-new '55 Plymouth the biggest car in..." PA-1636 CC, Belvedere, 10=x6, 12p, "The all-new '55 Plymouth Belvedere completely new..." PA-1653 CF, 3=x7=, x3 panels, "The two top engines in the lowest-price field" PA-1654 PCF, b&w & yellow, 3=x7=, x3 panels, "All the newest Power Features..." PA-1666 PCF, b&w & orange, 7x9, x3x2 panels, "55 Plymouth Factory Installed Accessories" PA-1895 PCC, 11x8, 22p, "Plymouth Proves It!" dated May-55 no code NCF, 3=x8=, x3 panels, "Plymouth power steering" no code CC, 8x11,16p, "The story of Your New Car...DeSoto Plymouth for 55" Canadian Sales Literature (including Plymouth-bodied Dodge): DD551 CF, 8=x11, 8 panels, "55 Dodge Everything's new but the name!" DD552 CF, 8=x11, 16p, "Everything's new but the name! '55 Dodge" P551 CF, full line, 8=x11, x8 panels, "55 Plymouth Bigger, brighter, more beautiful..." P551A CF, full line, 8=x11, x8 panels, "55 Plymouth Bigger, brighter, more beautiful..." P552 CC, full line, 8=x11, 16p, "55 Plymouth" --- "Accessories for '55 Plymouth, Chrysler & Fargo Trucks" PM841 "Accessories for '55 Dodge, DeSoto & Dodge Trucks" Export Sales Literature: YQAGX PCF, '55 Plymouth Belvedere & Plaza YQBLO PCF, 8-1/4 x 5-3/4, x3 panels, "Dodge Kingsway Custom" Sales & Service Booklets no code NCC, 5=x8=, 24p, "Tech Tells the Serviceman What's New for '55 Plymouth" no code PCC, 5-3/4x8=, 44p, "Here's Why It's Plymouth for '55" Service Reference Books relevant to 1955 Plymouth: #84 service tips for 1955 #85 windshield & headliner #86 4-barrel carburetor #87 power steering #88 body service suggestions #89 powerflite upshift pattern #90 powerflite downshift pattern #91 body sealing tips #92 beauty inside & out #93 keeping customers cool (air conditioning) #94 V8 pressure cooling system #95 powerflite, power steering, carburetor, fuel gauge Owner's Manuals: P-55101 owner's manual, 5x8, 40p, "The all-new Plymouth a great new car..." (US) P-55111 service certificate & warranty card, 4x7, x2 panels (US) WM-4302 owner's manual, all makes, 5=x8=, 64p, (Cdn) Service Manuals: P55-501 Plymouth Service Manual, P-26, P-27 (US) P56-501 Plymouth Service Manual, P-26, P-27, P-28, P-29 (US) WM-4335 Shop Manual, 1955-56 all makes (Cdn) Parts Lists: D-15177 Mopar 1955 Passenger Car Parts List, 1-Dec-54 (US) D-15585 Mopar 1955-56 Passenger Car Parts List, 1-Dec-55 (US) WM-4314 1955 Passenger Car Parts List (preliminary) (Cdn) WM-4321 1955 Passenger Car Trim Supplement (Cdn) WM-4337 1955 Passenger Car Parts List, Mar-56 (Cdn) |