Sorry for the late response guys.... Been working tons of hours at the new job. But I checked out this page. I hate to remind people, But I am the guy who almost started world war III by reminding people that Benz was owned by Nazis and used forced labor during WWII.... Anyways my point is this... This guys page sucks... He is a angry old man foaming at the mouth... Just plain sour.... It really is terrible how one sided he is.... So I wrote him and stated that it seemed one sided, and check out this attack I got back: >>>>You are a lazy little punk. Like most (but not all, thank God) in this country, you sit around and bitch. As long as you have MTV, a Sega-game, or maybe a beat-up old Plymouth, you are content. You sit on your ass, work at your "no-think" robot-job, get drunk on the weekends and maybe do "burnouts" with your "Plymouth V8". >>>> >>>>> I just thought it funny that this rabid old man would assume all this junk about me... And the best part is that I HATE Mtv, I hate beer, and dont drink alcohol, I have a very good, highly skilled- well paying job, and My Plymouth couldn't burnout if its life depended on it..... The email he sent was this huge attack on everything from Democrats <Which I am a republican by the way> to this paranoid rambling of how the top brass at Chrysler has sent memos to all their employees telling them to believe his lies.... You know I have an uncle just like this guy... Its kinda sad.... Just wanted to ad my 2 cents... Josh <PlymouthV8@xxxxxxx> <A HREF="">1955 Plymouth Page</A>